...that time I binged One Piece mid-pandemic and came out a weeb
MAL is just for logging all the hours I should've been studying instead :)
I'm biased towards comedy, drama, SoL and shows with great music
Go Lakers, Go Bruins
~ personal grading scale ~
10 = real gud; a show with meaning to me beyond the viewing experience
9 = fantastic, a lot of my faves are here
8 = great, would happily rewatch
7 = good w/ some reservations, I'd consider rewatching
6 = some glaring issues but not a waste of my time
5 = average, entertaining but probably considered dropping it at some point
4 = this is an anime (default for dropped unless they're worse)
<3 = degrees of self loathing
Any shows >6 I'd recommend, but tbh my scores are mostly about personal enjoyment :)
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