All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 115.6
Mean Score:
- Watching45
- Completed362
- On-Hold51
- Dropped94
- Plan to Watch260
- Total Entries812
- Rewatched50
- Episodes6,914
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 60.3
Mean Score:
- Reading49
- Completed222
- On-Hold40
- Dropped33
- Plan to Read51
- Total Entries395
- Reread63
- Chapters6,132
- Volumes972
All Comments (2) Comments
At the club we are currently focusing on our favourite male characters in anime. That is why you'll find threads about it and Best Boys Competitions. Soon, we will be starting with the 8th one! :3
As for other features, you'll also find games, recommendations, and a Discord channel ^.^
Hope this sounds interesting for you! I'm sending you an invite so it is easier for you to join :3
See you!