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Hi, my true name is George (what I guess it is not too difficult to find out). I've always watched anime (even when I didn't know what an anime is), but I only became an otaku at december 2013, when I first watched Mirai Nikki. It was this anime that turned me into a vicious otaku. In present days, I work at an Engineer company and can only watch anime on the few free time I still have. However, I have a dream (or a goal) of one day achieve the mark of 1,500 animes watched.
I also have a politic of never drop an anime, even if I spend 1 year to finish it (when I found it boring). That's because I believe every anime deserves a chance, and I can only rate a show/movie if I watch it until its very end. Thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoy my profile (or even that we could become friends). Please, feel free to ask me any questions if you want.
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Ashhk Mar 22, 2024 8:37 AM
Happy birthday! 🥳 (it's time for Japan, right?!)
Ashhk Dec 28, 2023 12:11 AM
Thank you!
Ryuseishun Aug 2, 2023 2:20 PM
Thank you!! 😊😊
Ashhk Mar 22, 2023 6:28 AM
Happy birthday! :D
Ashhk Jul 28, 2022 6:50 AM
I never went to Marseille myself but from what I know it doesn't look similar at all.
I think it just depends on which country you're going not necessary if it's far away or not, going to the Canary Islands cost me less than 100€ while it's further away than Island for me, or for example the plane ticket to Bulgaria can be at 30€ or even less.
Sounds definitely great for Japan, it's gonna come fast I'm sure, I hope I'll be able to do that as well someday.

Yeah, seems to be the same following S1 but with a different girl this time since it's time for the elf one to follow from what I see

I hope for Noragami definitely but who knows how an anime adaptation would be received nowadays though.
This is what I always believed for NGNL as well since that's the only reason I could think of, it's not even a problem for Madhouse even though they're not much into sequels they still do it when they feel like it's needed (like Overlord having it's 4th season airing right now xD)

For Komi it must be an intern problem from the team itself not really the studio, because meanwhile Pokémon still had some good looking eps and has been consistent since the very beginning

I don't really know why but when it relies to fansubbing this is what happens since publishers just take their time waiting to release each volumes often after many years, there is the same issue with Blue Period I think, and since it's long and full of text I believe groups are just lazy to translate it.
Well with an adult mindset to it it just be as interesting anyway, so I'll check it out at some point, recently it's been kinda hell for me to get into anything new other than Ergo Proxy that I could finally watch after Texhnolyze back in 2021

I think that's why they made the settings like that directly in Shikimori since it's just more fitted for a long-running manga with them directly starting as a couple and then being slowly developed with their friends as well always around them for who knows how many chapter (it's already 150+ right now I think)
I guess it really works for WB2 when you have this mindset xD but yes I understand, not that I don't find it interested since these topics are taboo especially in anime but I would probably just find it boring regarding the drama around the characters and all so it's probably not for me indeed, though I was interested in Nana and I think this show is actually quite similar for these aspects, I also saw the 1st episode back then.
Yeah I believe School Days watchers are mainly teens and younger people that watched it because it's known only as a meme at this point, so they probably got shocked.

Eh well then I did the right move without knowing it, thanks for the info I won't dare to catch up with it then if it's just a filler.

I think it was to expect I would say because the design looks very manga-ish probably because it's really what you would expect from a manga that aims an older audience, just like the original shoujo "cliché" art-style being upgraded to something like that.
Though we never know for that sometimes in Japan it works especially well so we can always hope for a sequel.

You plan to go the whole way? Skypiea was really something else at 1st I didn't like it much and found the beginning to be somewhat boring but after the 2nd half it became great, mainly for the villain of Skypiea which is one of my fav villain from One Piece so far (especially the fight against Luffy) I don't know if you finished it so I won't spoil, after that you can quickly finish Davy Back Fight most people didn't like it from what I heard even though I found it pretty fun but then there's Water Seven which is really great especially for the world-building of the island and also introducing another character for the crew, I paused after this arc since it continues in the same story line but moving to another island due to the plot but since it's so long I'll just continue later, there's still a long way before I'm up to date with it and if you continue with a decent pace you'll finish way before me I suppose
Ashhk Jun 16, 2022 10:37 AM
Yup, it reminded me of Sicily it kinda looked the same especially the center of the main island (Tenerife). And yes thanks, hopefully it won't disappoint.
Well at least you could visit here back then, I wish I could go out of Europe xD that's what good about Europe being tiny and diverse there are many countries to visit and traveling is cheap even taking the plane sometimes costs 30-40€/$ between some countries but when you want to go to another continent it's like 20 times the price

There's also the sick idea from the author to make that other girl from Roxy's group cursed and forced to have sex every time otherwise she die... and same for Rudeus's father very weird behavior

Sadly there are many hits that didn't even get a 2nd season... shout out to all NGNL fans waiting for 8 years now xD
Yes this is definitely what we could see for To Your Eternity when they had to switch to the 2nd cour and how time wasn't even sufficient, imagine if it wasn't delayed to begin with the animation would have been a disaster... totally agree, that's also the issue with Komi-san S2 recent episodes and how the anime downgraded but when it comes to this kind of show it doesn't matter much due to its nature

Yes, too bad we can't really read the manga from what I remember I wanted to check back then but it never has been published or translated in another language.
Exactly the same for me, one of the part I remember the most is the discussion between MC and Hina about that when they were outside, definitely one of the most beautiful moment of the anime.
Never watched it but isn't this one mainly focused on romance? Because it's often not my kind of thing especially when they want to be realistic about that aspect.

You're right but it still give opportunity to her development regarding her one-sided love she knows she can't fulfill but tries to positive and be still get some nice friendship moment with him despite how she truly feels, that's what mainly interesting for that aspect but yes in most cases it's not that interesting, and cheating/NTR I always avoided it for this reason that's also why I know White Album 2 but didn't watch it because I know these elements are present (though if you like it maybe it's better than I thought?) that's also how I felt regarding Kuzu no Honkai or Domestic na Kanojo, the only exceptions were I find it interesting is when they really go further than that in almost a parody state like how School Days felt and why despite being mostly hated by everyone I still liked it.

Ah yeah... well at least the fighting scenes are still a minor element of the show compared to the other moments.
It ends up being what I expected first then lol, I'll probably check it out, it reminds me that back then I didn't even watch the movie of the 2nd season even though it seems to be important for the story...

I was sure to have seen "original" when I checked the entry last time damn xD But yes when it comes to sports overall a good animation is sure needed so it's all win when you get MAPPA doing it, I checked a bit of the manga and it looks great regarding her art so if the retranscription feels the same I'm hyped, too bad it's not well popular this season compared to most other titles but well it's probably because of its aimed audience to begin with, as always we get too many fantasy isekai this time and almost all of them feel the same :/

Take your time, I swear than when you finish it for good you feel way too empty and regret the days you didn't start it yet ahaha
Ashhk Jun 9, 2022 9:18 AM
Mainly went to Canary Islands (it's a autonomous spanish region located in north Africa if you don't know) and going to Montenegro soon next month, I would love to come to Brazil but it's too far so it's expensive xD

And even for the side characters, they didn't really try to focus on the sexual aspect instead of the story so it just felt more interesting for that as long as Rudeus felt better, though of course it still has some flaws that the 1st season had but it at least improved.

It's just that the author clearly said that there would be no 3rd season back then when the 2nd one finished, so I'm sure that because of the success of the previous season and the movie they kinda forced him to agree on continuing adapting the franchise, but that's also probably why the studio changed, I loved To Your Eternity as well though this one had some major animation flaws especially on the 2nd cour for the 1st season, so in any case it won't change much for this one, but good thing they kept the director for Konosuba hopefully they'll make it good like before then

Hmmm in this case I'll do the same, this genre is getting more popular I feel like we even got another very similar anime recently "Mashiro no Oto" that felt the same but with Shamisen though I didn't really enjoy this one.
Well 3-gatsu the 1st season is really here to introduce the character and the mc's psychological issues on a slow pacing so it makes sense

Well at least Shikimori improved for that with the recent episodes, I mean the backstory and the drama with the other girl who loves Izumi as well

It probably makes it even better this way since my expectations were so low but now I'm pleasantly surprised, not that I care much of the fight scenes in this show to begin with so I almost have no complaints, I should check the spin-off though they teased so much about it back then and it only ended up being a 24 min single OVA that's why I skipped it after all xD

Oh yes I heard the same before, I plan to watch it and it's not that long, I guess it's part of the great MAPPA anime original 11 eps ones, we also got Taisou Samurai which was about gymnastics this time but I believe it's somewhat similar, gonna check them it out now that I sadly finished Gintama and I starting catching up with seasonals
animejas May 29, 2022 5:25 PM
Thanks for the wishes!
Ashhk May 28, 2022 10:23 AM
I am probably gonna work after this summer but recently I was just often out traveling in other countries so that was also time to take a break from internet and computer related things

Oh yes, I forgot Mushoku tensei was split cour xD but for me the 2nd cour just felt better due to less of these awkward Rudeus moments and it was just most focused on the plot with the travel part especially the different environment we could see compared to the 1st cour which was focused on the main town/kingdom, and then obviously the animation especially for the latest episodes

Well only time will tell but nowadays it's all about money so I am also not surprised they gave it to a random studio just to treat it like factory work, which I also fear for Konosuba to happen since even though the author didn't want another season to happen they still announced S3 + TV spin-off and gave all the production work to a random shitty studio :S

Yes I saw Kono Oto Tomore two years ago and loved it especially for its 2nd season! But it was also probably great at a stopping point except if the story is improved later but I would compare it to how 3-gatsu no lion was with its 2nd season (this one I also hope for a 3rd season maybe later)

Yeah that was the case for the Reiki's arc but now that the other arc started it seem to have improved at least the recent episodes felt clearly better for me to be honest

From these ones I'm watching Aharen, Spy x Family, Cuckoos, Shikimori, Tate no Yuusha, Komi, Paripi Koumei and Date a Live, though I would say Shikimori it's just that the development is slow and doesn't fit a 1 cour 12 eps format since it's just a promo and that's why it feels boring, I still like it but it's mainly because I read the manga 1st while some other similar ones that are more focused on the comedy work better with this format (Komi, Aharen, Kaguya or even Cuckoos).

Yeah for Date a Live IV I don't understand much why they made it like that and how they call pull off some great visuals while the fight scenes are looking horrible, but I'm still impressed just because the studio that picked it is GEEKTOYS and I was mocking this studio before because it's clearly shit their best work was Plunderer from what I remember and it's not something to be proud at all xD but they managed to make something more than decent with Date a Live so I'm pleasantly surprised, but otherwise I totally agree with you.

I'll try to watch a few of them once they end airing mainly Kaguya Sama, Summertime Rendering, Tomodachi Game and Love after world domination they're the ones that interest me from this list, also I'm disappointed the sports ones are apparently bad because there were some interesting new sports that we didn't see in anime format like the horse racing for example :/
__Scarlet__ May 27, 2022 8:11 AM
Yup u r right :D
__Scarlet__ May 26, 2022 8:18 AM
Ya Spy x Family is actually good...

Its become because of Anya....her expressions are so amazing XD
__Scarlet__ May 25, 2022 7:52 AM
Actually u are right i also loved Trapped in a dating sim and also spy family :)
By the way your profile is quite impressive <3
Ashhk Apr 30, 2022 4:23 AM
Oh yes, I'm doing good despite being kinda busy compared to before, I hope you're good as well!

And what about S2 of Mushoku Tensei then? Because for me except the beginning it was a major improvement

Well I would love to see a continuation as well but since it got that weak animation and schedule I would be surprised if it ever gets one, except if another studio takes it and give it more budget xD

Well now when it comes to seasonals I'm only watching a few of them and then catch up with all the other ones when they're finished because I prefer to not wait in most cases, but this season is pretty good I would say especially thanks to some sequels and newest ones like Spy x Family, Komi S2 or even Aharen, though the one that is disappointing me so far is Tate no Yuusha I waited so much to see S2 and it's disappointing for both plot and animation even though it's still fine but clearly not on the level of the previous season for me. What about you?
SayakaMagica Mar 22, 2022 4:32 PM
Happy birthday!
Ashhk Mar 22, 2022 4:17 AM
Happy birthday! :)
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