I've been into anime all my life, but never so much as the past few years. started out with Robotech back in the day, then stuff like Gundam; you know, giant robot stuff. then, i discovered other things (like girls and music) and drifted out for a while. Now, i realized what a wonderful thing anime had become over the years, and now I'm back in it. I now have a fairly large collection of anime and manga (seems large to me...) and even a figure or two here and there.
I love video games. Shooters, RTS's, RPGs (JRPGs in particular) are my favorites, though i do love racing simulators (Forza Motorsport) and some fighting games (DOA).But More important than games is music. I love music. i have a hardrive of about 500 gigs(no joke) of music, from Johnny Cash to DJ Krush.
I'm on MAL mostly just to keep track of what I've watched and what i want to watch, but meeting people and discovering new anime and manga is a bonus. If you want to friend me, go right ahead.

From Kyou, with love ♥
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