I don't have a defined rating scale that I follow religiously, because I rate shows purely on how much I enjoy them and every genre or type of anime could have a certain score for a different reason. However, if I had to give a rough estimate of what every score meant...:
10 - Perfection/extremely enjoyable. Shows with this rating kept me hooked throughout and provided me with a great source of entertainment that I will always look back fondly on.
9 - Great. The only thing that holds it back from being a 10 is usually filler, a few odd moments, or some other minor thing.
8 - Very good, solid show. Small complaints but not enough to detract from the overall quality of the show.
7 - Good. Most shows will end up with this rating. Usually indicates the show is quality and was enjoyable but didn't "wow" me.
6 - Enjoyable, but nothing special. May have had some persistent issue while still being decent overall.
5 - Average/meh. This rating can also apply for shows that start off well and end poorly, or for shows that don't really do much of anything while not necessarily being bad.
4 - Below average. Similar to shows in the 5 rating, but something about it either gave me the ick or I was left questioning the decisions of the creators.
3 - Bad. These shows are overall pretty bad, but the 3 rating indicates that there was at least something I liked about them that I can credit it for.
2- Shit. There's almost nothing redeeming about these shows. The only thing that separates a 2 from a 1 is most likely either the animation quality or music.
1 - Fucking awful. Nothing redeeming about this show whatsoever.
Dropped = It either sucked and I could tell it wasn't going to get better or it was very boring.
I try to keep the manga stats as accurate as possible, since I do tend to read on after I've completed the anime for adapted shows, but take it with a grain of salt.
Yes, I have had that picture at the top of my profile since I made this account.
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