I am random all the time and you will rarely see me in a bad mood. I like anime so that why I tried this web thing. vote gir vote gir vote gir vote gir
Which akatsuki member are you?
You scored as a Zetsu
You are Zetsu, a venus fly trap who eats bodies, you are also an akatsuki spy who has a split personality, your eyes are similar to the byakugan.
Only 33 people from youtube and the whole wide world can read this. Can you help increase the number?
Not many people can read this can you?
I Cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!if you can raed tihs rpsoet it. OLNY PUT THIS ON YOUR PRILOFE IF YOU CAN RAED TIHS. CNAHGE THE NMUERBR AT TOP TGOHUH, "ONLY __ PEOPLE IN THE WORLD CAN READ THIS...CAN YOU?" Go up a nmuber if you can raed it...lte's see how hgih we can get
We back! Very soon we will have member cards and card edition!
So if you want receive newsletters from now on sing up in Newletter sing-up! new topic!
And if you want be part of the staff go to Staff Recruitment, I need lots of help :)
"✦✦✦Card Editions and Anime Discussion Gallery✦✦✦
Right now these are the following editions that are coming up.
- Stella Vermillion
- Blowing a Kiss
- Haifuri: May 7
- Holding Hands: May 14
- Wake Up Girls: May 21
- Cherry Tree: May 28"
As our 3 year club anniversary gets closer I wanted to to think and remember all the wonderful 3 years. To celebrate I decided to do a mini competition where all users have to do is vote on what show they want the next layout to be. Voting would last 2 weeks.
Hello fellow MAL member! :D
Are you a movie addict? Or do you enjoy casually watching a movie together with your friends? If films, animated or live-action ones are something you like, have you ever wondered about participating in such activities where you can discuss about your favorite movies with your friends on MAL?
If the above facts catch your interest, come and joinThe Cinema Club! ;-)
Hey Everybody, very serious message from le Creator of RACE
Please read carefully
As I'm sure some of you have noticed, RACE hasn't been very active lately
Part of that is my fault, I haven't been able to give it my full attention while being busy with moving and work in real life
However I think a big part of it is the fact that so few members visit the club
I mean we have nearly 2000 members.... maybe 20 active? total?
For a long time i was thinking about shutting down race and starting a new club with some new ideas I have
taking all the things i learned from RACE and moving on
MAL has changed since I first joined, most of my original friends are super busy and rarely around
But RACE and mal are still important to me so I have a different plan
A few people helped me come up with the idea so this is what's going to happen.
We're purging RACE.
You won't be able to access it. We're going to close it for a few days
Everyone in the members list will be removed
All the threads deleted (almost)
Everything will be started over. We will start over with a smaller club and staff
I have a lot of cool ideas for what is going to happen.
For those of you that are wondering about the sports festival
It wasn't as active as we'd hoped so we closed it.
The sports fest was my way of seeing if race can still be active and it failed
So now we're purging.
When we open back up there will be a new and improved Sports Festival!
It will be the Grand Re-Opening of RACE
please come back if you still love race like i do and want to be active
This isnt meant to punish the people that are around, or even the ones that arent
This is my decision
I need a reason to get excited and motivated again and I think this is the best thing for RACE We will be Re-Opening on August 1st
Thanks for everything you guys!
See you in a few days!
Hi there. Love : A tale of Jealousy Rp club is back. few years ago this club was one of the most alive rp club and now i plan to renew it so if you would like to join it once again than join and let's have fun together http://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=66564
Hello Fabulous member of RACE!! I'm really sorry to not be sending out individual messages to you all, but unfortunately I don't know all of you ... and im lazy x'D
BUT i made this Valentines Day Event in order to get the chance to tell people how much they mean to me :)
Every single person in RACE means so much to me, I'm so happy you joined the club even if you aren't active (though you should be :P)
It means so much that you've stuck with me even when the club died for a bit.
I never imagined that my club would get so big. When i first started it I was hoping to even get 10 people. 20 was beyond my wildest dreams xD Now I'm above 1600!! I opened it just because i had joined mal and seen cards and wanted to try.
I probably shouldn't have made the club as early as i did .... but now I am so glad that I did C: Thank you to everyone that has joined the club, it's been such a pleasure to me watching the club grow and seeing the new people join.
Especially thank you to the people that joined at the very beginning. I'm not giving you a special message because i dont have time but I know who you are and you mean the world to me <3
Thank you all for joining my family ^^ And I hope you'll stick with me for much longer ^^ You're all the best C:
And Happy Belated Valentines Day!!
All Comments (2729) Comments
We back! Very soon we will have member cards and card edition!
So if you want receive newsletters from now on sing up in Newletter sing-up! new topic!
And if you want be part of the staff go to Staff Recruitment, I need lots of help :)
I hope you plan on watching it, since you seem like a fellow Itachi fan^^ Seems pretty cool.
Have a nice day.
(Sorry, I'm just excited and like informing people now. lol)
Are you a movie addict? Or do you enjoy casually watching a movie together with your friends? If films, animated or live-action ones are something you like, have you ever wondered about participating in such activities where you can discuss about your favorite movies with your friends on MAL?
If the above facts catch your interest, come and join The Cinema Club! ;-)
Hey Everybody, very serious message from le Creator of RACE
Please read carefully
Thanks and chears.
Hello Fabulous member of RACE!!
I'm really sorry to not be sending out individual messages to you all, but unfortunately I don't know all of you ... and im lazy x'D
BUT i made this Valentines Day Event in order to get the chance to tell people how much they mean to me :)
Every single person in RACE means so much to me, I'm so happy you joined the club even if you aren't active (though you should be :P)
It means so much that you've stuck with me even when the club died for a bit.
I never imagined that my club would get so big. When i first started it I was hoping to even get 10 people. 20 was beyond my wildest dreams xD Now I'm above 1600!! I opened it just because i had joined mal and seen cards and wanted to try.
I probably shouldn't have made the club as early as i did .... but now I am so glad that I did C: Thank you to everyone that has joined the club, it's been such a pleasure to me watching the club grow and seeing the new people join.
Especially thank you to the people that joined at the very beginning. I'm not giving you a special message because i dont have time but I know who you are and you mean the world to me <3
Thank you all for joining my family ^^ And I hope you'll stick with me for much longer ^^ You're all the best C:
And Happy Belated Valentines Day!!