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xblackrequiemx Jan 21, 2012 2:53 PM
I think CLAMP has the best artistic style. I absolutely love their character designs. :D

I still don't have the complete collection of Brotherhood... only the first volume. I'm probably going to wait until the price goes down a bit more. The first few volumes have already gone down in price on Amazon, so I can at least wait for the rest of the series to be a little more affordable.
xblackrequiemx Sep 12, 2011 8:31 PM
By the way! I just started an anime I think you might like. It's about a girl who heals people and collects the shards of their broken hearts. I decided I had to watch it after seeing the opening sequence because her outfits looked so lovely.... Odd reason to want to watch an anime, but it's turned out to be really sweet and heartwarming so far. It's called Kobato. ^_^
xblackrequiemx Sep 12, 2011 8:21 PM
Hey, Faith! I actually started Brotherhood a while back, but I haven't had the chance to finish it yet. I think I'm about halfway through it, and I'm excited to finish it because it follows the manga more closely. I thought the ending in the manga was so much better than the angle the anime adaptation took. I think I'll get back into watching it! ^_^
BleedingRose Jul 22, 2010 12:22 PM
I understand. I had a similar experience when Lady died. I actually went through such a severe case of denial that I made myself believe for an entire month that she was still alive. I did everything I could to avoid thinking about what happened, and I even refused to refer to her in the past tense. (In example, I'd say things like, "She is a good dog," and, "I love her so much," as opposed to, "She was a good dog," and, "I loved her so much.") Well... I guess I still say that I "love" her, because I don't believe my love for her died when she did. It always makes me sad when someone says that they "loved" a person who has passed on. You can still love them, even if they're not still with you on Earth.... Anyway. I guess I tricked myself into thinking that nothing had happened. I woke up from a nightmare one night and realized that it wasn't just a bad dream--it was a bad memory. I think it was even more painful the second time around....

Well. I don't know if it's appropriate to compare a dog to your sister, but I love Lady like she's a part of the family. I've always considered my dogs to be members of the family. So maybe it's just me, but it doesn't seem strange to me to be just as upset when a pet dies as when a human member of your family dies.... Anyway. I'm glad you're going to be taking a trip for yourself to help accept what happened, so you don't have to go through what I did. I wish I could handle grief as constructively as you seem to do.... I mean, I wouldn't have thought to try taking time for myself to help me move on. I usually kind of go through a "I give up on life" stage until someone else gets concerned enough to do something about it. ^_^"

Well that was a lot of rambling. Hurray. I think I'll go for a bike ride now. I haven't gotten my exercise yet today. D:
BleedingRose Jul 9, 2010 11:16 PM
Hmm. I actually liked the ending of the first FMA series, but then again, I finished the anime before I finished the manga. I'm still watching Brotherhood (a new one every Saturday night :D), and I'm glad to see that the story follows the manga more closely. But since I've already read the manga and Brotherhood is not something completely new to me, I don't get as excited about it as I was while watching the first series. That's not to say it isn't just as good, though! It's just that I pretty much know what's going to happen, so I lose the whole element of surprise and the anxiousness to see what will come next. I'm still really enjoying it, though! Yay Vic Mignogna! :P

Yeah, Brotherhood is about the only new series I'm excited to be watching right now. Besides Nabari no Ou, of course. But I'm afraid to finish that one because I'm sure I know what's going to happen in the end.... Well, I'm not sure what EXACTLY is going to happen... but I think it's reasonable to say that the fate of one of the characters is inevitable. And I'm sure you know which one I'm talking about.... I'M NOT READY FOR THE HEARTBREAK JUST YET!!!!! TT___TT

I really need to find another good anime to watch. I've just about wrapped up all of the series I started last summer and couldn't finish then. Rach got me started on a few new series as well (and they're very entertaining!), but I'm really craving something that can get me as hyped up about it as I was with shows like Code Geass, 07-Ghost, and Pandora Hearts. I was so ecstatic when a new episode of those shows came out every week! I guess the best solution is to just go through my (extensive) "plan to watch" list and start giving each one a try. After all, I have no way of knowing what I'll end up obsessing over!
BleedingRose Jul 9, 2010 3:53 AM
I'm not that far in Pandora Hearts, but I'm really excited to be reading it because it must go beyond the story in the anime, right? I felt that the ending of the anime wasn't very definite... that there were too many questions left unanswered. I wasn't too satisfied with it, really. So I'm interested to see where the manga will take it. Same thing with Nabari no Ou! I got back into watching/reading that one (after almost a year of putting it on hiatus). I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Yoite is my new favorite!!! Well, except for Suzaku. He'll always be my favorite. Well, then again, that's what I said of L when I first started getting into Code Geass... and now my favorite eccentric genius is halfway down the list. :P But Yoite can be my second-favorite for now. I love him so much! :D I'm glad you recommended Nabari no Ou to me, Faith-sama. I wasn't sure if I'd like it at first because I didn't feel like I could relate with any of the characters, but once Yoite stepped in, I really started getting into it. (And right then was when I had to quit for school. >_>) But that's not just because I'm obsessed with Yoite's character. I think Yoite's role brought more meaning into the story because of the peculiar relationship he has with Miharu. That's going to be a central point in the plot, am I right? Once Yoite and Miharu made their deal, the story became so much more intriguing to me. Like I always say, the characters are the best part of any story--and just as important are the characters' relationships with other characters! Right? ^^
BleedingRose Jul 5, 2010 3:33 PM
So we're both introverted greens! Yay! :D

Yeah, Rach told me the same thing about Tsubasa--that the story is A LOT better after about chapter one hundred or so. I'm excited about that! I'm seven volumes in, and I love it already. If it gets even BETTER halfway through, then I cannot WAIT to read more! I just ordered the next volume from Barnes and Noble because I was offered a twenty percent discount for Independence Day. I've been trying SO HARD not to buy anything so I can save for college, but... THEY WERE OFFERING ME A DISCOUNT!!! I couldn't resist! I honestly haven't bought anything except food for over a year. (My brother and my sister got me the last limited edition DVD set of Code Geass R2 for the holidays. Otherwise, the last time I bought anything was when our local bookstore was closing, and books were on sale for like two dollars each. Oh, but I did buy some games for my brother... because he said he'd pay me back when he got a job. :P But enough about my frugality.) So that Tsubasa manga should be here within the next week. Hooray! Independence Day just got so much better. :P

I haven't watched any more of the anime since the first episode, actually. I mainly watched it just because I was curious. I might end up dropping it, but I HATE not to finish something I've started.... In the back of my mind, I'm already planning to go back and finish some of the series I dropped... after I get some of these other series out of the way. So that might take a while. (Thank goodness. xD) Oh, me and my OCD....

And I thought that Tsubasa was finished already? We have all the volumes on sale here in the United States, anyway. I'M TWENTY VOLUMES BEHIND!!!!! D: Must... buy... more... manga! BUT I CAN'T! I just bought the first two volumes of Pandora Hearts along with Tsubasa, and I'm supposed to be saving for college. V___V''''
BleedingRose Jun 12, 2010 12:15 PM
Hey, Faith-sama! Guess what! I just started reading/watching Tsubasa! Yay!!!! I really love it so far, I really do. Fai is such an entertaining character. :D For some reason, though, I really took to Syaoran's character right away, and the more I learn about him, the more I love him. The funny thing is, I didn't like Sakura at all when I first started the series. I'd watched a clip of Tsubasa on YouTube after Rach told me about it and already made up my mind that she was an annoying little brat before I even got into it, haha. I still had the same opinion of her for the first few volumes of the manga, but I'm just now starting to see what a wonderful character she is. I didn't like the story a whole lot until I started liking Sakura--mainly because I couldn't understand the romance between her and Syaoran. It just didn't seem believable to me until I came to the conclusion that Sakura isn't the pretentious priss I initially thought she was. ^_^" But now I really like it! :P

Anyway, yeah, I just felt like letting you know that. Oh! And I had something else to share with you that I thought you would find interesting.... I was in a knick-knack shop earlier today, and I found this book about the theory of color and personality. I took one of the quizzes to find out what "color" I was, and I came out with the introverted green. Here's the description...

"Introverted greens present quite the opposite persona from their extroverted counterparts. They are calm, quiet, reserved, and even shy. They do not like to be the center of attention. In fact, they are more interested in hearing about others than talking about themselves. Although they may demonstrate a cool reserve, they are loving and warm people. They have a capacity for a depth of caring that is not generally found in the other types. However, introverted greens are very particular about whom they share their feelings with. They must feel very safe and secure with a person before they will open up.

Unlike extroverted greens, introverted greens find self-expression difficult. Being reflective, contemplative, meditative, and inwardly focused people, they derive pleasure from interacting with their own active imagination and creativity. Good listeners and sympathetic observers, they love to watch and listen to people and enjoy internalizing what they perceive. Once they get to know you and determine that you are someone they like, they can be open and enthusiastic.

For these greens, a harmonious environment is very important to their emotional well-being. If subjected to hostile, conflict-ridden environments, they internalize their feelings so deeply that they withdraw and find it difficult to deal with the world. Introverted greens find that being reclusive is very appealing. For them, life is often so emotionally brutal that they withdraw into their own world just to survive."

I thought that was pretty interesting. And scarily accurate. This particular theory is by Carol Ritberger.... I'm trying to find a quiz or something online so you can take it as well. I'd love to see what you come out as! Although, I would think that a lot of the above applies to you as well. Anyway, they have a preview of the book... but it omits the sections containing the quiz and explanations. Hmm. Well, if I do find a version of that test that you can take online, I'll have to let you know!

Talk soon, Faith! ^_^
RavenWynter Apr 16, 2010 3:03 PM
Yeah, i'm not a massive fan of facebook myself, especially seeing as the friends i met online, my uni friends, old college friends and relatives are altogether on one site and if my uni friends and relatives find out that I've been talking online... i'll have a hard time explaining it...

I mostly just use facebook to send the odd message here and there to Cherie, Billy and Sora. So i guess it has it's uses...

RavenWynter Apr 12, 2010 1:12 PM
Hey, Faith-sama. I noticed a message you leave on Sora's page a few days ago... I don't think she's been on this site for a while... v___v

She goes on facebook quite a lot, just leaves a few messages to let everyone know she's alright. I think she's busy with her AP History exam at the moment, along with homework and all the other things she does...

I'll send her a little message to let her know that you're asking for her though. ^^
BleedingRose Oct 26, 2009 9:02 PM
Hi, Faith!!! Been some time, eh? Well, I've finally gotten the ACT and PSAT exams and my National Honors Society application out of the way, so I'm feeling a lot less overwhelmed with schoolwork and all. Whew. Now I've got a twelve- to twenty-page research paper to write, but I've chosen to do it over the Disney films, so I'm actually having A LOT of fun with it. I was going to write it on Grimm's fairy tales, endangered species of animals, or Harry Potter, but our teachers in the English department didn't want any two students writing reports on the same topic, so I had to keep changing mine continuously. Not that I mind! I just felt that I knew too much about Disney to be writing a research paper on it, ne? But yeah, I'm actually surprised about how much I DIDN'T know about Disney. I have like twenty books and several database articles I've gathered up, and I just want to sit down and read through them all. If only I had the time! But no, I've got to skim and take notes. Aww! I actually picked up this book about the moral themes in classic Disney films.... Really cool. Anyway.

Yeah, I've been missing my friends terribly, with all this schoolwork and such going on (seriously, my lack of contact with you guys lately is sickening me), so I thought I'd drop you a line here.

Speaking of which, I just have this insane urge to write today.... I only just finished my homework, and I've been going nuts all day thinking, "I HAVE TO WRITE SOMETHING!!!! D8" But I had to make up for six classes I missed for mock trial competitions today, so I was kind of swamped, especially with this research paper stuff. And it's late now, yeah, but there is no way I can go to sleep without writing SOMETHING first. I don't even know what to write, I just want to do it. I get that feeling a lot, though, hehe. It's a rare case when I actually sit down to write something with a plan in mind, you know? But yeah, there I go rambling again. Guess that's what I'm best at! P:

Ah well. I'll hopefully be hearing from you soon then, eh? Take care! ^_^
RavenWynter Sep 29, 2009 3:45 AM
Yes, i got an email too. I'm glad that she's alright...

I know! She seems to have so many opportunities that i never got to have a school.I'm quite envious because some of that stuff sounds like fun. See here, we don't have college / uni programmes or a school newspaper or anything. Our system is more or less... we have compulsory subjects and a couple of options until year 11. After year 11 we can either drop out, stay at school or go to college. Either way there are no compulsory subjects. But there are so many subjects that they have in America that we don't get the chance to study until university level.

University has a lot of opportunities... i have no idea how i'm going to fit everything in.
RavenWynter Sep 22, 2009 1:52 AM
Yeah... she said that she would try and log on more often so that she could reply to messages... but I guess she's busy. I figured that she'll send us messages when she gets the chance to... but i still can't help but worry about her.
BleedingRose Aug 29, 2009 11:23 AM
Really? I tend to prefer manga over anime, to tell the truth. I'm not really sure why.... I don't know if it's the bookworm in me or if it's just the simple fact that I find most mangas to have stories that are, overall, better developed than their anime counterparts. It could also be the artist in me? I work mostly in black-and-white value sketches, and manga drawings are excellent to learn from, I've found. Who knows?

And yeah, I order most of my stuff online anymore. Wish we had some anime stores around here, but that's a rarity no matter where in the United States you go, it seems....

Oh! I have been to a Hastings before! It was kind of small-scale, though. They had a variety of DVDs and such, but they weren't exactly current. I remember I went there when I was looking around for the Death Note DVDs (this was before I had the privilege of online shopping), but they only had the first volume in a value pack with the manga. At that point, I was still looking for volume five, which had been released three weeks previously, and I already owned the complete collection of the manga along with the collector's edition of volume one. Haha.

My father did pick up my Axel PA figure there, though! And he got a Vaan and a Rinoa for my brother. And Balthier! I got my Balthier figure there! How awesome is that! :D
BleedingRose Aug 19, 2009 1:31 PM
Awww really?! There's only one place I can think of that sells anime DVDs around here, and that's the bookstore. But they come in the packs with the manga volumes as well. And all I've ever seen there is Death Note (I owns it all already YAY :D) and freakin' Naruto. <___>

I think I may have seen Tsubasa Chronicle there once.


Our manga selection is pitiful, too. They only have up to volume two of 07-Ghost, which is currently publishing its eighth volume already. And I had to special order Code Geass before they started getting it in. And they only have two volumes of Lelouch of the Rebellion and one volume of Suzaku of the Counterattack. No Nightmare of Nunnally or novels or art books or anything. How sad. D:

They sure do keep on top of Naruto and Inu Yasha.... <_<
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