These will be ignored. If you are active on a Discord server I'm in, you can consider your friend request to be solicited and I will probably accept.
Due to the lack of Taiga support, I don't update this site like I used to. Check out my AniList activity if you want to see a more up-to-date feed. I find the PTW/PTR more useful here, since it's numbered, so that part is usually up-to-date. I only update other things on a whim.
My Favorites
My favorites are in a strange order. For characters, I try to place them in order of preference, though it's never entirely clear what order that should be, since they're mostly there for very different reasons. This makes it impossible to compare them directly. That, and ten favorites is far too few, so I expect to change these often. For people, I put directors first, then mangaka, then voice actors. Manga and anime are in alphabetical order by their English titles. My manga list is short, so I don't have ten titles I'd consider "favorites" at this point.
I use PTW sparingly, for stuff I'm ready to watch next, as chosen by RNG. I only put stuff in there if I have immediate access to it. I used to only put complete manga in my PTR, but now the backlog is long enough that I need them to be in my list to make any sense of it.
I tried from the beginning to conform to the descriptions of ratings given by MAL itself. I've been mostly successful at this, though I do some rescoring from time to time. I try to be mostly objective, in that I try to use the same standards when rating things. That being said, enjoyment is part of that standard, and at times small things which had a disproportionate impact on my enjoyment can cause a rating to be rather different from what a show might have otherwise received.
10 -- This is reserved for the best of what I've seen. These will not merely be technically excellent, but generally have some unique aspect and/or personal appeal.
9 -- These are the cream of the crop which didn't quite merit a 10. They're probably just as technically sound as the 10s. This is the level at which I start to expect things like directorial voice and significant thematic content. Unique art or animation can also push an anime to this level on its own at times.
8 -- These are the best of the rest. They exceed expectations to some extent.
7 -- To be good, an anime has to do a lot of things right. These are the anime that met expectations.
6 -- This show is average. It's a mix of good and bad things. For whatever reason, this is the rating I use most. I assume this is because of selection bias.
5 -- This show is average. It's a mix of good and bad things, but I liked it less than the ones I rated 6. I'm starting to drop shows at this level.
4 -- This show is below average. It's mostly bad things, or there is some glaring flaw that conceals the good things. I drop most shows like this these days.
3 -- This show is unambiguously bad. It's probably a mess technically, and there's nothing to redeem those technical flaws. Alternatively, there's no entertainment value and thus no reason to watch it at all.
2 -- This show's mere existence is regrettable. It's similar to the 3s, but inspires more anger or hate, but not necessarily as much as the 1s. It's usually more interesting to discuss the 1s, though.
1 -- These shows are memorably awful. Perhaps professional critics have spent hours tearing it apart to show just how terrible it really is, or maybe it's just laughably bad on casual inspection, even by an untrained eye. It's likely these were horribly flawed even at the conceptual level.
There are some problems with my current rating scale. There's a noticeable gradient in quality among my 1s, and there are a few too many of them. There should be a "0th tier" for shows which are so poor they shouldn't have been published in the first place. I'm unsure how I'd adjust my system to make space for them, and it'd probably take a long time, so I'd be reluctant to do it anyway.
I just wanted to leave a comment to say that I really appreciate your review for Hisone to Maso-Tan! You helped bring perspective into the facet of the struggles of the "working woman" as you described. For me, I have this anime at a contemplative 9/10 because of the fact that Hisone had resigned to keep to herself and not have to sacrifice her position to the JDF or Haruto, in her mind, and instead, upon seeing Masotan, threw all of that pretense away in a seemingly random epiphany. However, your thoughts on the matter of the working woman has got me thinking about this context again, and I feel that I may have missed something?
your review of after the rain is quite disappointing consodering that you said that you felt grateful for the people of the anime but you never mention the mangaka which was the person who created the story, artstyle, characters and overall, she is the one who you should feel more to be honest, considering its a adaptation of her work
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