Pretty much if you want to know something just ask me. Born in Okinawa, Japan. Brought over a lot of anime when we moved back to the states. So I've been a fan for quite some time.
Anyone can send me recommandations. I watch/read almost any kind of anime/manga. Whatever my opinion is, about it, I'll review it.
Hey! I noticed you joined my club, We Are 11. Well I thought, what the heck, why not talk to her? And as for recommendations, you say you like most anything, so for anime, Samurai Champloo, definetly cool, kind of hiphop based.And for Manga, FLCL is a good one, very weird, and become a little hard to follow, but really, it's hilarious and fun. I'm into music based and weird random stuff, so do you have any recommendations for me? Thanks!
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