first off thanks! and thanks for checking out my scores and reviews!
understandable take on hyouka. I personally love hyouka with Oreki being one of my fav anime MCs and I just love the story and its has a special place in my heart for so many years so also a bit of bias. Still overall a great show but can understand why people dont love it as much now adays.
I found Garden of Sinners rather boring. Like basically what happens in most episodes is that something "supernatural" shows up, which essentially translates to "ain't gotta explain shit", Shiki beats someone up, and then maybe there is a sob story. It's rather hard to emotionally invest into that. Shiki staying in bed for 40 minutes straight was pretty good though.
As for Perfect Blue, maybe that should get a 7 instead, it had it's moments. Black Swan was better though.
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understandable take on hyouka. I personally love hyouka with Oreki being one of my fav anime MCs and I just love the story and its has a special place in my heart for so many years so also a bit of bias. Still overall a great show but can understand why people dont love it as much now adays.
As for Perfect Blue, maybe that should get a 7 instead, it had it's moments. Black Swan was better though.