As you might have guessed, the first anime I ever watched was Dragon Ball Z and I worshipped it as a child. I had every DBZ game in my possession, along with the trading cards, t-shirts, and action figures. Not to mention all eight seasons of DBZ on DVD box sets, the Blu-ray enhanced movies, and the specials as well.
However, as I started to mature, I drifted away from Dragon Ball Z and explored different hobbies, like music and sports, among others. It wasn't until 2013, when I happened to come across Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood on Toonami, that I returned to watching anime. However, things really started getting serious in 2014, when I dedicated almost the entire year to Naoki Urasawa's Monster. Through that 74-episode epic, I had witnessed what the anime medium was and is capable of. For better or worse, I've been watching anime consistently ever since.
This is a project I've been planning for years but now I'm putting it into action. Basically, "In Defense Of" is a series of character analyses, where I examine an underrated individual and argue why I think they should be noticed more. With my anime reviews, there are occasions where I've wanted to discuss certain characters but I felt as though doing so would be wandering away from the overall topic. However, with "In Defense Of", I feel free to talk about my points of interest for as long as I please. Besides, character analyses have always been my favorite things to write.
Below is an archive of what I've written thus far:
Loved your Gun Frontier review, this is my introduction to Leiji's Verse also. Not a good sign for being Revered as the pioneer of space opera.
Though I do understand that Gun Frontier is one of his very early works, so his involvement with science and space opera didn't really get underway until his popular captain harlock series.
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Though I do understand that Gun Frontier is one of his very early works, so his involvement with science and space opera didn't really get underway until his popular captain harlock series.
Right now, I'm making my way further through Kaleido Star and am 33 episodes into it.