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Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni
Apr 19, 2018 4:35 PM
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Bakemono no Ko
Bakemono no Ko
Jan 6, 2018 2:53 PM
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Kimi no Na wa.
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Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan
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Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
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ImTheTrollBRO May 24, 2021 2:34 AM
good taste and from the same city, rare asf
PinkShippuden Jan 4, 2019 10:54 AM
Thank youuu <3 you're so sweeet o3o I'm lucky to have such a nice online friend hahahah. I'm so glad we've maintained contact for so long~ :D
Yassss! Thank you :D I've graduated and alll yassss. I got my scores as well, and I got into my first preference course at uni, plus the scholarship I wanted :3 Nah, It will start in late february here haha, so more holidays for me :3 They have a week prior that is orientation week tho haha.

I'm so happy that you're doing okay now v.v As long as you can get over the lows hey <3 Thanks for opening up to me about it too ^_^ I know it can sometimes seem hard because you can doubt the weight of your own problems (well at least I've done that lmao). Oooooh, so at the moment the stuff with work and school is going smoothly? I hope it all goes to plan :)

Ahhh... damn. What was the reason for the move? Living costs?

Oh yeah, I'll try to do that haha. They got accepted into an art gallery for Yr 12 graduate artworks (i was surprised but i'm happy they recognised it as good work haha), so I'm not getting my paintings back until like March :') I'll try to post the ones which I can have permission for lol, since they're all real people I know xD Speaking of digital, I finally did some artworks on it that I'm actually kinda happy with :3 I'm still a beginner though, so I haven't done much and experiment with both cartoony and realistic lol.

Hahahah hi senpai~ <3

Ooooh I'm listening to it right now. Damn... this is a nice song~ I can see what makes it grow on you :3 It's nice and chill hahaha. Chill music is good too, especially for studying and staying focused, or just... lol... chilling... xD

Dude same! It's just I've guilt tripped myself cuz i have so much free time so i pumped some stuff out xD It's just so much easier to quickly sketch ideas and thumbnails. Although I did take part in Inktober.
It would be nice if you started drawing again, even a little bit ^_^ It's hard to start, but when you complete something, even a sketch, there's a really nice feeling about it, y'know? xD Whenever you're able :)
AHAHAH yesssss XDDDD Ahhh, I'll add you yasss

Yesss, I hope you're able to practice how much you want to in 2019 ;)
Oh you don't use DA much? I only really posted on it to share with you xDDD I guess I'll just stick to insta then, since I'm following you now too~

Awwww, thank youuu <3 <3 I appreciate the wishes even if I don't celebrate Christmas ^w^ Happy new year and belated happy holidays to you too~~ :D
PinkShippuden Nov 8, 2018 4:41 AM
Awww <3 It's so sweet of you to check in, I genuinely REALLY appreciate it! ;-; (sorry does that sound too cheesy and excessive on my part? anyways, i'm being honest lol.) Sorry for being such a shameless late reply-er o3o I'm good thanks <3 I just finished my final exams yesterday, it was my last one, so I'm almost done with high school! All that's left is my graduation ceremony, nothing else. So I've got like 3 months of free time right now, sure as hell won't reply late in this time period of course. Thanks for being so patient >.<
How have you been? How's your schooling? If I recall correctly, have you finished adult high school by now? :o

It's been an interesting few months? o.o You wanna tell me about it? If you're okay with that ofc XD I hope things aren't too hectic for you right now v.v

Thank you~ I think I'm gonna dive more into working with acrylic paints. I recently did like 9 realistic portraits using acrylics for my final year-end art project, It was hard, but I kinda appreciate the medium more haha.

Oooooh. Lol we've known each other for a few years now and only now am I starting to realise what our relative ages are hahahaha. But it's fine~ A 3 year gap ( i hope I did my math right) isn't a bad thing haha. One of my older brothers is the same. Lmao, I mean developments about dating or the like ;)
Ahahaha ikr! It's... probably cuz of all the late replies I give ^_^;;

Ohhhh I think I know what you mean. My music tastes can also be a bit fickle sometimes xD Dammit, I opened the link and it's not available D: Do you think you can just send the song title and artist? o: If you still remember after all these months that is lmao.

Ooooh, that's right!!! I'mma check out your DA. Damn I haven't been on it in so long...
I've been posting a lot of my art to an instagram, I just found the platform to be cleaner and reaching a wider audience besides just the art community. Do you have instagram?
Your linework is really good~ Although it always has been haha. I like the way you did the blonde hair on your latest chibi~
It's kay, I know you'll become more adventurous with time surely hahaha. I mean I remember back when both of us used to only draw with pencils! :'D Wow damnnnn, those chibis are another level~ *O* Gotta aspire :3
Hmmm I should probably upload my artwork to deviant art I guess lmao.
Tachiii Jul 29, 2018 12:13 PM
Same. For real? Nice! Wait why’d you take it again if you did good the first time? Mhmm, it’s def something to consider going forward. Oh no. But oh well. And nice, and sounds pretty manageable.

Lol I actually didn’t know what Canada does so I looked it up really quick and found out more about it. Cotton candy, yum~ Oh yeah, you’ve talked a little bit about it before. Lol did she just dip out? The cops stopped you guys? Weird. Yikes, but glad there was some shade to chill in. Lol it sounds fun to make.
Tachiii Jul 15, 2018 8:48 PM
Math def isn’t something I would do for fun, so I don’t blame you in the least for thinking that way. Oh right on. Architecture sounds interesting and social work is, of course, something that’ll always be around. Nice, good to hear. Lol, don’t jinx it by saying it’s easy, cuz next thing ya know it’ll pull out the rug from under you. Dang, almost 7 hours of just math?? Is it like a super short month-long class or something? No A/C sucks!

Hahaha, kay if you say so.

My fourth of July was pretty chill. Saw some friends, went to the park for a bit but came straight back home cuz I can’t stand being in such a crowded area for hours just for a brief 10-minute fireworks show. It was still a good day though. Little late asking, but how was Canada day for you guys up north?
Tachiii Jun 30, 2018 8:12 PM
Holy crap we’re back to normal now! Well kinda, it looks like they’re still editing a few things here and there but wow, about time. I gave up checking in after the first week cuz I was just tired of being disappointed every time. I’m really sorry I missed your replies. And HS! Yikes in hindsight I totally should’ve logged on there just in case you were there as well. Damn, again I’m sorry. I’ve been pretty good so far, how about yourself? And advise? Sure. Whenever ya need it yo. I’ll sign up for email notifications for profile comments (I currently have everything turned off here on mal) so I’ll relatively know right away whenever you hit back with a reply. Quicker response times from me that way hopefully.

Calc is pretty hard, but after you can actually wrap your head around some of the basic principles, it gets more understandable. Haha, thank ya. Nope, I don’t think we have talked about this yet. I’m studying computer programming. What are you going for? Restricted to just one class? Huh, that is weird… How’d your talk with the counselor go?

Nah it’s fine, I can understand that feeling. Lol, of course, you’ll get better at it eventually. It’s only a matter of time. No rush.

Lmao, I ain’t that old and probably not as wise as you might think, but of course, you can ask away. BUT DAMN I know this already hella late but again, I’m genuinely sorry for not paying more attention and missing your earlier reply.
Tachiii May 24, 2018 7:05 PM

I decided just to take one and that’s calc 3. Summer quarter is a bit shorter so things go by a lot faster and calc’s hard enough as is and I don’t wanna push my luck. How about yourself?

Well hey, there ya go. Tbh it is a little hard to just mentally switch that off. Lol, if you don’t mind me asking, why can’t you do you?
Tachiii May 20, 2018 7:55 PM
Lol, not a chance. About them dying, that’s more of yes and no. Characters should by no means be completely untouchable like they’re all human for a reason. And like I said earlier, the studio is just setting everything up in such a way that there'll be a few new faces here and there in the next movie, but it’ll mostly consist of the original Avengers team that end up saving the rest and/ beating Thanos at the same time. We'll just have to wait and see.

Oh, nice. I’ll be doing a couple classes too just cuz I might as well.

Haha, I can relate to that. As long as you make yourself seem approachable, they shouldn’t really think along those lines. And even if they do, like so what? I stressed way too much about what people might’ve thought of me, but now I don’t really care cuz there plenty of other things to focus on so I don’t even bother. You do you. I do me. That’s how it should be.
Tachiii May 13, 2018 7:41 PM
Lol nah I figured as much. End of June you say? That’s totally alright with me. School’s hella important and HS can easily wait. I’m not upset or anything, so don’t even worry about it~

Someone spoiled it for you?? Aw man, that sucks, I’m sorry. I’d punch that person in the face if that happened to me. :( Lol, you just looked up the whole summary? Well, at least you know what to look forward to now. Have you been able to see it yet? Lmao of course Marvel’s gonna bring them back somehow, it’d be commercial suicide for the studio to kill off Black Panther after his character and movie were so well received earlier this year and they went through soo much trouble to bring Spiderman into their “MCU” plus his Homecoming movie was another huge hit, and he’s unofficially become Ironman's young protege, so no this def isn’t the last we’ll see of Chadwick or little ole Tom. I wouldn’t say everybody being dead is a trick though… like they’ve all gone and literally bit the dust. Now my first impression was (and this has already been confirmed by the Russo brothers, the directors of Infinity War, in an interview) that after Thanos snaps his fingers, dusts half the population, he ends up inside the Soul Stone for a quick minute where he sees a younger version of Gamora. Her physical body is def past dead, but the essence of her very being, her soul, is inside the Soul Stone. I read somewhere that those who die in close proximity to, or any other reason closely related to this particular stone (like Thanos’s kill half the world snap) will have their souls trapped inside. Sooo those who unfortunately turned to dust probably just lost their physical bodies and all their souls are just locked up inside the Soul Stone. When, where, and how exactly the remaining heroes will free them is something we’ll just have to wait and see next year. Glad you noticed that the original Avengers are still alive. But lol shut up about being disappointed. The next fight against Thanos may very well have more permanent casualties and repercussions that will be the driving force in the MCU for years to come so just let the story play itself out. That’s all we viewers can do anyways.

Yikes, school’s getting a little busier, huh?

Yes!! That’s exactly right! And when you’re just in a chill quiet mood doing your work they get a little concerned, asking if somethings up and it’s like lol what are you talking about? People are too quick to judge sometimes.
Tachiii Apr 29, 2018 8:53 PM
It was amazing~ Ugh the theater was packed! But we went early and managed to get some good seats. Kinda long though at about two and half hours, not that I’m complaining, I just really wanted to get up and stretch my legs for a minute. And it ended on such a cliffhanger but other than that like my god it was a good movie, and I cannot wait for next years sequel. You should totally watch it too.

Oh well, I guess I can understand that. Arman! Haha, I really like him. Has he gone on any dates with the girls yet? Mhmm, def looks that way. Yay sounds good.

Me? Nah, I mean I can be fairly outgoing but only for so long before I just wear myself out and can’t even bother. I much rather prefer being low key and by myself and all that. Def a homebody unfortunately.
Tachiii Apr 27, 2018 6:17 PM
LOL, I figured as much. And gosh don’t sweat it! It’s still fun whenever we do play. But today’s gonna be my turn to flake out on tonights gaming session. I ‘m going out with some friends in a little bit to see that new Avengers Infinity War movie so I won’t be able to play at all. I’m sorry. Back to your message from earlier though:

Nice! Glad to hear it was ok.

Right? Like the relationship ended for any number of reasons and it’s not like those’ll all just go away after some time apart. It’s just stupid. Oh it most certainly is very annoying. I don’t like piracy though.. Haha it did kinda sound bad the way you put it. Good, good. Stay far away from Aloha State, OND is something you can always have if you ever wanna keep going after Boys and Girls in the City.

Lol those are never gonna be 100% accurate. Says I’m just like you, a mediator INFP-T; super introverted, with strong feelings, little bit prospective, and quite turbulent.
Tachiii Apr 19, 2018 4:57 PM
Little late replying back but, no worries.

Lol have some confidence, you’ll more than likely do better if you go at it with a positive attitude.

Ugh, Yuriko’s ex is such a piece of work. This happened to another girl in Aloha State as well. I really disliked how they both contacted the girls only after things were starting to go well for them on the show. Like, give them some space right? Why else did you guys break up before? Still can’t decide if they’re jealous douchebags or are just trying to get a little tv exposure so they can have something to brag about. And nope, not mean at all~ Lol, every episode was basically a cliffhanger, so it wasn’t anything new or shocking there. Netflix is kinda odd like that though, outside of the states they’ve been releasing episodes on a weekly basis, check out OND’s wiki page, but will only release those episodes in bulk format here in the states. Same thing happened, and is still happening with a few of their original anime shows like Fate/Apocrypha, Violet Evergarden, and Seven Deadly Sins S2, all of which I was dying to watch but couldn’t because they would delay uploading them for couple months at a time, even if they had finished up airing in Japan. It’s a little weird and frustrating but I can’t really do anything about so at the end of the day it’s like whatever ya know? Back to Terrace House, Aloha State started off well enough but it turned into such a train wreck towards the end like holy shit there were a couple members who became (excuse my language) completely selfish assholes, like they were just the worst, wouldn’t give a damn about anything going on and ugh it was really really stupid and hard to watch so tbh, I’d say skip Aloha State. Just go straight into OND if you’re interested enough. It’s, imo, similar to Boys and Girls in the City, so def a safe bet.

Hmm, true that. Haha right on.
PinkShippuden Apr 13, 2018 6:58 AM
Heeyyyy Cat~ (Can I call you that or should I not? XD Let me know hahah)
Ahh, you are TOO sweet, thank you for checking in <3

I don't think you did? :O Hahahah, thanks~ Hmmm... I know I spent my summer break just chilling SOOO much and it was awesome. Like I didn't even wanna go back to school, despite how bored I would get sometimes XD Which was cool, so I seriously appreciated the holidays haha. How about you? Your first month? More like how you've been these past 2 months actually? (...ahaha yeahhhhh)

Ahhh, phew! Oh, really? How much? :O That's good tho :D I admire that lol, them good sleep hours. Ooooh yep v.v That is tiring, sounds about the same as the hours I have :o Were the hours different before this or? WOAH! Sixth floor!? How many floors does the building have? o.o woaaahhhhhh. Damn, getting that everyday exercise huh, awesome! Kudos to you for that~ Oh boyyy... hopefully your legs get used to those flights of stairs soon haaha, your calved will be ripped in a few months xDDD Hmm... *tries to recall* ... lmfao this is exactly why I shouldn't reply so late. Well i'm in classes for the university pathway students, so most people showed up, many of my classes started work in those few days. Although among general course students there was probably a lot less attendance hahaha. Well there you go~ :D Yeeeaaahhh... >.> I'm back in though! Hahaha I've gotta upload some things onto DA and i'mma check your work~ <3 Ooooh, YAS HERE'S O TRYING NEW THINGS! Hell yeah :D Ooooh, 70 movies and 20 books!!!! That is sooo coool~ I wish you luck with that, cuz that sounds awesome :D And do tell me the highlights hahah. Ahh, a realistic goal for me would be 7 movies and 2 books :') A COPIC STARTER KIT, Ooooh, time to try new mediums hey :D
(Okay all the text in one chunk hurt my head haha) Cat's Cradle? *googles* Woaaahhh... this sounds super cool :o I shall add this to my future reading list~ Wow, they sure spent money huh :OO So I guess you're gonna make the best of this huh~ ^_^ Use it well :3
AHAHAH OH YES, poor you at that age, you were so worried xDDDD Unfortunately, although I managed to get my parents' permission, one friend ended up having work on that day... AND THEN her boss cancelled the shift so then she could come but it was already confirmed by then that it won't be a sleepover which sucked but we still got to hang out~ I'm thinking of planning one for the winter instead (which would be your summer haha). Yesss, you are so right :3 to relax indeed hehe. Annnd!!! I'm back on my break again xD School ended today, so i've got 2 weeks off, although with lots of work o3o but still a break~

Oh my gosh, go you!! :D o3o Well~ 17 now hehe. Lmfao omg were always behind on each other's ages, which is hilarious, but I have figured it out now!!! xD Will try not to forget haha~ Awww~~ you're so sweeeet <3 Well I got close to that I think? XD One of my classmates asked me out to the school ball which we had in March (was a pretty damn fancy event haha), although I had to say no xD How about you~? Any developments or news? ahahaha.
March 2014!? WOW! You're so right, damn. Our 5 year anniversary will be next year~ ;) Hahaha thanks for sticking with me through my cringe early teen years xD Ah yeah, neither did I until I did some research into what I could do with maths, as well as thanks to my maths teacher XD Hmmm... I might end up doing so, although in recent years people in this field have branched out into many other sectors/industries. I was talking to my fashion teacher today, and she told me how her husband has one under his hire (they're doing a software company or something??), and how one of her previous students who went into that is now in employment with the government.
Uptight is such a good way to put it, honestly. Its good to have at least just a little humility and be able to accept one's flaws haha. Ooooh, so we're finishing up our respective school stuff in the same time period~ :D I guess we're in this together? XD

Ahhh yeah, I think I can agree with that xD on the bright side, it's quite refreshing when someone who appears like such is actually quite different to what they appear~

Woah, it's more than $200? Damn o_o That type of stuff sure is pricey huh.
Ooooh, the sound of Flower was really interesting, I liked it :D The sounds were super cooooool. Ahhh yeah, I like the upbeat feel of Hello as well~ It just strikes me as a cute song :3 For me, it was Rocket that stood out the most. I think it was just the feeling it gave me, but I loved it xD

Mmm, that seems pretty damn likely too. Ahahaha, that was such a savage remark XD "But I guess other people do".
Oooh, what laid back songs do you like? I'm just curious~

Ahhhh, No I have not ;-; Yeahhhh it took ages when I did it, and even then it only did like half the can :') Ah, but do not fret! I have the recipe saved, so I definitely won't lose it.

Yeah, It's one of those movies I actually wanna watch too xD Oh? People didn't enjoy it?

Okay looking through your DA page, I love the new stuff you're incorporating into your works! :D You got so creative with the OC, And the layering you did with the final version of it~ (The pink haired girl)
I can see you getting more and more adventurous with those copic markers, and the latest chibi you've done is soooooo niiiice <3
Tachiii Apr 12, 2018 5:37 PM
No worries! Dang almost a third of your grade? That's pretty major. Ganbare~ And lol sure hope so.

They’re kinda cute together. But lol idk about Corporate though… it’s not my kinda show. I like satire, dark humor and all that jazz but this one feels like a punch to the gut. Rough comedy? I honestly don’t know how else to describe it. For Terrace House, I've recently finished up all of Aloha State and the first 8 episodes of Opening New Doors that were available to me here in the states. I gotta wait unit they release part 2 later this spring or summer. How about yourself?

Haha, true that. Oh right on. Lol, towering height doesn’t necessarily mean that person is older but if they were chill about it then that works I guess~
Tachiii Apr 8, 2018 1:31 PM
In response to your reply from earlier:

Oh no that’s too bad.

No rush. Nope, I have not heard of Corporate. Oh, I like Anna Akana! *watches a couple clips* Lol, cynical is right.

Haha, video games can be very addicting sometimes. I got no idea either. Yay, good to hear.

Hmmm. Jesus stickers?? Okay then... I’d say it’s a little more creepy and weird than random. Lol, just sneaking a quick gulp here and there huh? Is it safe to assume the waiters didn't catch you two?
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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