Treacherous = 1. guilty of or involving betrayal or deception 2. hazardous because of presenting hidden or unpredictable dangers.
Treacherous through calculations = deliberately treacherous
Treacherous through weakness = unintentionally treacherous
=> We are often more treacherous through weakness than through calculations
I believe the gnome children are in a members only area from the old runescape ( see ), and they might not be that popular in the runescape community.
Yeh there aren't many people who know me outside of my forum posts..
Yes, it's from Runescape, but i don't know if the gnome child actually says that. The character itself is pretty famous on various areas of the internet (see: ). I believe that even in game he had some interesting quotes, paired with the derpy look, made him more popular.
The picture i use for my signature is a tumblr link from google images; i picked it more because it already fits MAL's requirements for signature size than the quote itself.. And btw.. what makes the quote funny for you? Is it just the absurdity of a gnome child saying a vaguely philosophical sentence, or do you see something more?
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Treacherous = 1. guilty of or involving betrayal or deception 2. hazardous because of presenting hidden or unpredictable dangers.
Treacherous through calculations = deliberately treacherous
Treacherous through weakness = unintentionally treacherous
=> We are often more treacherous through weakness than through calculations
I believe the gnome children are in a members only area from the old runescape ( see ), and they might not be that popular in the runescape community.
The first time i heard of it was through this pic:
which is a variation of this comic:
Yes, it's from Runescape, but i don't know if the gnome child actually says that. The character itself is pretty famous on various areas of the internet (see: ). I believe that even in game he had some interesting quotes, paired with the derpy look, made him more popular.
The picture i use for my signature is a tumblr link from google images; i picked it more because it already fits MAL's requirements for signature size than the quote itself.. And btw.. what makes the quote funny for you? Is it just the absurdity of a gnome child saying a vaguely philosophical sentence, or do you see something more?