Hey man, I'm having a hard time deciding between buying gantz and Blade of the immortal, I see you liked them both a lot, but which do you enjoy/like more? and any other info would be nice to =)
ya i just started reading it too because its hard to find at bookstores like barns and noble and borders i have to go to the comic shop thats across the street from dark horses headquarters to find it or the internet but i hate paying for shipping
no clue maybe untill they sell enough copies or maybe they'll wait till they complete the kurosagi corpse delivery service its by the same guy and its only 2 more volumes untill they complete series
In response to your question in MPD Psycho page, the guy from the manga store where i buy all my mangas, told me that vol 9 was the final volume. I asked him where the hell did he get that idea, he said he read it somewhere but he couldn´t tell me where exactly.... I hope he´s wrong, but I can´t find any information about that .....
Yeah, Uzumaki is short too, but I like a quick manga series every once in awhile since many I'm reading now are still publishing and will probably take me years to finish because of that. I was in Borders with a friend and she really like the art in Museum of Terror and I mentioned that I was reading one of Ito's other works, so she's probably going to get me that for Christmas.
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