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Haikyuu!! Karasuno Koukou vs. Shiratorizawa Gakuen Koukou
Jan 14, 2018 10:27 PM
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Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
Jan 12, 2018 4:36 PM
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GOOD DAY FALC MEMBERS! This may be too late already but let us still greet you a BELATED HAPPY NEW YEAR, at least. We’re having our very first newsletter to start the New Year. Hoooray~ We tried our best to shorten this as much as possible. And now, first things first:
FALC, as the name says, is a MAL club for Filipino anime lovers – pure or half – and for everyone who’s interested to know more about the Filipino culture. Visit once in a while and leave a comment here. Who knows, maybe you’ll be able to meet someone in your area who’s pretty much the same as you – one who loves anime. We would really be glad to see the club alive with your comments. Don’t forget to be friendly, ok? Also, in here, you could find different threads that may catch some of your attention.
Here's a quick guide! Just click the buttons above. Each number represents a topic in the FALC thread.
Click the picture below to visit the chat. See you there~
ATTENTION: January 21-22 (Otaku Expo 2012)
Visit this site for the schedule of activities and click #7 if you want to meet other con/expo goers!
PS. There's a longer and a more explained version of this newsletter here if you ever want to see/read it that is HAHAHA Thank you for reading this one, btw. Have a nice day and take care minna~
There's some special free chocolates for all of you in the club...
Click HERE..
Quick or they'll be none for you >w<
Sorry for Spamming your profile
I think I'm doing fine though it's my last day of holidays.
I saw your name,because it's so rare and I didn't thought I'll see it here.
Anyways,how are you?
Sorry for the late reply (school, you know it ;)) but to get straight to your message:
I mainly use "PhotoFiltre" for... well pretty much everything where i have to draw, so i used it not only for the T-Shirts, but also for Wallpapers and stuff. I'll think about opening a shop, i'm waiting for you to come by as a customer :D
Uh, it woudl be great if you have some sort of a recording device, so u can record yourself while your playing the piano. I can create a beat to it and rap on it, that sounds interesting, fi you ask me =D
Ah well i'm learning japanese for myself, i also learned the first.. erm... "character alphabet" "Hiragana", the basic characters in japanese and i'm currently learning the second "Katakana" and yep, the chinese characters "Kanji" are definitly the hardest. But i'm better at speaking than writing, even though i'm not as good as you may think, it's still not enough to understand a Anime let alone a Song ;D
Ah the same goes for my town, especially the last couple of days it was so freezing cold and slippery. I guess if i would go jogging i'd slip or slide more than to actual jog, so it seems in this case we'r more than equal :)
Ah~ i'm just awfully talkative once i know someone a bit (i guess you already noticed. surprise! =D)
Ui new territory is opening it's gates; you also play the guitar? I guess i just forgot, sorry, but as i said; if you can record yourself while your playing either the guitar or piano, it would be cool if you could record some pieces, so i can use them for my upcoming album :)
Ah yeah... the math test... ah let's focus on the positives angles of life, who don't contain any numbers at all xD
I'm curious by the way: Are you good in maths or do you belong in my category? =D
Uh yeah, i already did my own t-shirt with my favourite rapper "鎮座DOPENESS", so i was like "the next has to be Slam Dunk ;)"
The design would be this. This is at the back. At the front it's just the "Slam Dunk" Logo. This summer's all mine, i'd say ;D
Oh oh. Be careful, what you are wishing for, your wishes could be fullfilled ;) If you don't have much patience, like me, then handicrafts will only hurt your expectations, trust me ;D But besides of that, i also enjoyed drawing and painting. Even though i wasn't really good at it =)
Depending on the Piano, i guess the question about your patience is answered :D I heard it takes 8 years or so to fully master it? Phew i guess that's be too much for me, to be honest ;) Ah you can check out my Raps on YouTube, i've uploaded all most of the tracks from my last album, just look up on youtube for ☆せいこ(く)☆. And if you want to hear my 2 masterpieces, try "I jap u", "Deadly flash" and "K day", those are one of my favourite songs. And since you learn to play the piano, why don't we make a little feature track together? I guess the world is waiting for it :D
I can't really play an instrument. Besides of simple drumming, but not more, i'm only able to rap, but not only in english, but in japanese as well... in newbie japanese, but i'm working on that ;D
Hm. Okay i'm also not the tallest person around, so i guess we'll be the real-life Shoyo, not for the height part, but for the skill part. Let's consider us as 2 Miyiagi's =) By the way, did you notice the new picks for Sendoh and Miyagi on myanimelist? Better than the ones before, if u ask me ;)
Ah good for me, that i'm 18 already, so i can stay up as long as i want, etc. Being of full age sure has it's benefits =D
But i guess your better of in canada, i thought in winter it was freezing cold all time, but when there are also warm days, then it sounds like a perfect chance to go jogging. Or do you mean "warm" like "winter-warm"? I hope you know what i mean xD
You prefer tests of projects? Really? I think projects are way more relaxing. Maybe it's because i'm shoutcasting and rapping, that i can sort of "play" with my voice. My former teachers used to say, that i can talk the biggest nonsense, it's still interesting to listen to me :DD A little hint: Since you'r already playing an instrument: Try to sing, too. Then those projects will also be less stressing for you :)
Ah, i also have one test coming up tomorrow. The good thing is, that it's the last for this month, the bad thing is, that it's math :D I'm waiting patiently for my 4 or 5 =D
Ah well, after that it's time to relax, just like you :)
I guess if some years pass through the... erm... world ;) halloween will become more famous here in germany, too. Even though i saw nobody on the streets to get some candies, though. Maybe it's because of the same reason: Because it was waay too freezing. But as i said: I guess at your place it's a bit colder than at my place ;)
Ah it's just you can read Slam Dunk Mangas everywhere. Even if it's freezing cold or steaming hot outside, you get drained right into the Manga to the point where you don't recognize your surroundings =D By the way, if everything goes well, i'm going to get my own self-made Slam Dunk T-Shirt. Can't wait for Summer 2011, i'm going to freeze everyone with this coolness xD
Uh. You really like arts? Do you also do handicrafts? Since i have absolutely no patience i've always doomed the days we had to do anything with glue or stuff like that ;D
In my free-time i'm mostly mixing Beats, rapping or i workout, go jogging and of course reading slam dunk. The usual i'd say :D What about you? Oh and can you play some instruments? We can do some Tracks together, then ;)
Ha =D Since we'r both defensive players, maybe we should form a team like Shoyo, since they were also defense kings, we might outrank them. But maybe not at least in terms of height :D
Ah, do you also jog during these cold days? I did a couple of days ago and it was a bad idea... but i just can't stop =D
I guess were on the same page: I also don't like jogging in town, it's more fun jogging outside of town straight into the arms of "mother nature" ;D Maybe you should try jogging in the afternoon around 7 or 8, then you might not be so sleepy anymore ;)
Ah, i also wouldn't bother vacation. There are so many tests coming up the next couple of weeks, i can't describe how much i'm looking forward to this xD
See? I told you Stoudemire is Sendoh undercover =D By the way if you check out the nba site (by the way, the new season just started :)) you can look up for Stoudemire's statistics. They're as amazing as you may expect ;D
Ui. I guess i shouldn't complain about it beeing to cold here, since snow is arriving at your place. I guess i can consider myself as lucky =D Actually Halloween isn't such a big deal here in germany. It's like any other day, especially in my village; if you go out after 11pm or so, there's nobody on the streets anymore. Today is Halloween and yep, it's just like every day :) I hope you enjoyed your costume day, sounds pretty funny to me :D
Ah i thought your mom is still watching wrestling. My mom (and my father) are still watching it togehter with me and my brother and his wife, as well. You could call us an in- and out (tna) wrestling family =D
If it's not too freezing in winter, then i'll continue jogging, normally i jog on the same road outside town. Halfway there's a bench where i sit down to rest and read some chapters of Slam Dunk while i'm at it ;D
Uh, the last time i've played Badminton was about 1 or 2 years ago, but i guess i still got the basics. If you want to come to germany, we can find out who's the Slam Dunker =D
Ah all right, i thought track&field was during winter, that'd be hard. Ah i'd love to join that track&field days in my school i don't even have p.e. to begin with. You wanna trade? I wouldn't mind xD
You know, i can assure you this: If you would have grown up in my village (i still think that my town is smaller than yours, btw ;)) i guess you would dislike soccer as much as me. Maybe it's because i also like to "swim against the stream" means i often dislike the thing that others like :) But speaking of which: In p.e. my favourite position was also in the defense, as well as in basketball. I also had the same problem as you: I had no feeling for the ball at all =D
You prefer short distance over long? Really? Imagine this: You're jogging along a long road and you got your favourite songs playing on your mp3 player. Isn't that just lovely? =)
School is... well... school :D A lotta tests, lotta learning and a bit strange chatting during class. I guess as exciting as in your school =D
Argh i know what you mean, i have to drive to the next bigger town to satsify my manga addiction, but they also only have a too less to choose from (most is yaoi and i really don't need to have that :D)
I'm more like a Nicks fan (since Stoudemire plays there) but when the "clash of the titans" (Lakers vs. Miami) comes, i'll definitly root for the Lakers =) And since i don't no pretty much about Basketball yet, i'd say you won't make a mistake, if you check out some of the Nick games in the upcoming season. Guarantee: Stoudemire will just surround you with his awesome plays (more or less poetic :D)
I just wondered: How cold is it in Canada anyways? I mean in the morning and in the afternoon. I mean i live in germany and when i leave the house around 6 or 7 am in the morning it's so freaking cold that it feels that i'll turn into an ice block in the next seconds =D
Ah, i also used to watch Wrestling back in the days with my brother, it seems everybody watched wrestling :D Nowadays i tape everything for my brother, so he can watch it, as well :) Your mother's watching wrestling? =D If she's into TNA, then maybe you should join her from time to time, she might know about the awesomeness of Samoa Joe and Orlando Jordan ;)
I do my work-out at home like weight lifting, sit-ups and such (takes about 1-2 hours everyday.) I also love to go jogging, but it's just to freaking cold now. It's going to be a tough winter :)
I also used to play a lot of Badminton with my mate. If u'r still in shape, maybe we should go for a little 1 vs. 1. I'd like to know who's the Rukawa and who's the Sendoh of Badminton among us =D
I guess we can shake hands, i'm also more than just clumsy when it comes down to throwing stuff. But does your school held the track&field stuff outside or inside? You mentioned, that it's pretty cold outside, i guess that'd be killer, if they'd hold it outside. But i guess i'd choose running, sounds pretty cool to me :)
Sadly, since i live in a small village, there aren't any track and field possibilities or much choices between sports clubs/teams (the only choice would be soccer and to be honest: I f'in hate this sport xD) But i'm fine with that, i prefer go jogging either alone or with a friend of mine. It's much more laid-back and you can choose how much and where you want to run. FREEDOM! xD
Actually they re-publish the Slam Dunk Manga, it's available from Volume 1 to 13 atm. I've bought it up to Volume 11 so far, currently i'm reading volume 10. I guess i'll re-read it as soon as i finish it. And, as you said, then again and again and again and again =D
It was actually predictable that you'r brother is rooting Miami, since they may be on a roll in the upcoming season, but i still think that the Lakers will own 'em. Or at least i hope so :D
About Stoudemire aka NBA's Sendoh, you can check out this video and this one. Maybe you'll agree with me, that he's Sendoh in RL, after you've seen those :)
Ah, don't expect much about my Basketball knowledge, i've just began watching it with the NBA Finals and i like "totally start" with the upcoming season, so don't expect too much about my knowledge :D
No problem, you can tell me everything :D. Actually, that teammate of yours kind of sounds like Sakruagi to me =D Maybe if you think of her that way, you might get along with her ;) Do u also got someone like a "tensai" in your team? Like Rukawa for example? :)
Other sports... well i watch TNA Wrestling every week (together with my parents, yep you've heard right just now: together with my parents xD) and i do workout everyday. Like weight lifting, sit-ups etc. What about you? Do you like any other sports besides of Basketball? :)