I've just turned 18 so most of the time working or studying in University but when im not one of my biggest hobbies is anime. I started watching anime in the early years of my childhood on toonami,4kids and other UK and worldwide anime networks. The first show i watched was gundam wing which got me hooked thn i watched pokemon, dragon ball, shaman king and any other anime shown on toonami but when toonami was cancelled i had no real way of watching anime because i couldn't really watch anime on the computer because i was so young.So anime took a back-seat and i focused on my sports like table tennis, football and basically any sport that was available to me, i ended getting to a very high level in table tennis but got bored and tried to focus on getting into university. This year just after Christmas i re-watched the gundam series and i was hooked again, i have completed FMA brotherhood, one piece english dub and moribito and have a massive list of anime i want to watch, i usually buy box sets rather than stream. So this has almost turned into a life storey haha, hope you found it interesting was looking for some people to discuss anime with as literally no one i know watches anime which is so frustrating!! (>_<).
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