I got bored a few years ago and decided to start adding people in large quantities to see the number increase. I stopped adding people like this prior to 2024 so no need to worry about getting a random friend request from me anymore. I still accept incoming friend requests I get so the number is always growing
As of January 2025, I’m looking for shoujo reincarnation, pre-2010 anime, performing arts, unproblematic romance (No Unrequited love), childcare themes, and anything lighthearted. Preferably dubbed But honestly, if you think I’d like something that doesn’t fit those categories, go ahead and recommend it! Just keep in mind it might be months before I get to a recommendation with the on and off nature of my viewing habits. I spend 2 weeks every few months watching anime and then go to a different hobby.
I use livechart.me as a precursor to MyAnimeList to keep track of everything before it's complete. This list is sorted in the order I'm likely to watch something with varying priorities of Currently Watching, Planned, and Considering.
Hi, I'm Beeamo. Obviously I'm a big fan of anime, I've been watching anime very casually for many years but became very active the same time I created my MAL account (January 2019). Feel free to ask me for recommendations whenever you want. Beyond Anime I spend my free time Gaming (Elite Dangerous and FFXIV) and programming. (Learning Javascript for 2025)