gomen ne for being offline fo so long i hope you guys forgive me :3
My name is beautifullyou Im as old as my tongue and a little older than my teeth :P years old and like to read a lot :)
Come to think of it im not really fond of myself yet. You can say im shy but if u wanna become friends with me feel free to add me :)
Three things I will never say to anyone in my life
Not wanna say means not wanna say
Clubs im member of :D
My fav songs :)
Thanks to roy i found a new song that i like :D
Vid Of The.......whenever i decide to change it '\("_")/'
「You are received this Invitation Letter thanks to your awesome skills. Yes, you should be proud!
We will be waiting for your presence.
Thank you for taking the time to consider read this Invitation Letter.
Have a nice day/night to you~!」
Hello! This is the Mafia Society's November Newsletter!
New Member? Welcome! ^^
You can always introduce yourself here.
Fare thee well, spoops
The end of the year is nearing, as Christmas creeps up on us and we say farewell to Halloween, here lay a few remnants :
All Hallows Eve Mafia || Game Thread
Best Villain Tournament || Final round![Winner - Morow, Hisoka]
Community Pumpkin Patch || Spoopy pumpkin patch here~
New Games
Major Arcana Mafia (Freshly complete) hosted by Mishukax & CorruptedPurity
Fortune doesn't come free and picking sides can be hard.
See the events and realizations unfold as the players come to terms with who they may or may not be fighting and why as others try to blend into the numbers. Thread here
All Hallow’s Eve Mafia (Ongoing) hosted by Togs & aa-dono
With Halloween here and the masses gathering, so too shall the sweet eerie stench of death, but is that really the end?
Not here, not now, the spoops have only just begun and some simply can't accept their fate, no... not before they have their way from beyond the grave~ Spectate here!
Mafia Tip #12: Alignment changes
Quite often, in mafia games, you may encounter terms or expressions that you don't understand. To appease this frustration, this section titled "Mafia tips" will introduce you to some of the mafia terms and such that might help you speak on the same level as some other players. Hopefully, not only you will be more knowledgeable but you will also be able to use these tips in the games!
The subject of this month is Alignment changes!
Alignment changes, while uncommon in normal set-ups can make for rather interesting games though the mechanic can bring up the matter of balance and are in most cases considered a bastard element.
These can take the form of cults which can recruit throughout the game, or more simple ones in which there will be a one off change, this can be based on an activated ability or a passive trigger and in some cases this is hidden to the select player(s).
Such a mechanic can throw most player off their game as it can render otherwise reliable sources that check ones alignment moot when held till after information is revealed.
Once conversions such as cults become public knowledge, they hold the power to influence players to work towards dismissing their original win conditions once they believe the game favours being converted.
This may lead to questionable conduct as far as playing to ones win condition is concerned.
It can also lead to players ending up on what can feel like an undeserved loss if converted at an undesirable time.
Conversions from Mafia to another faction should however be avoided, as it is near impossible to stop the leaking of information that would ruin the game state as a whole.
Club News
Planned games Sleipnirr - The Lost Village
LucianRoy - Public Transportation 5
Shinichi-kun - Terraformars
Rinto-kun & logic340 - Flavourless Mafia
coromandel - God's and Monsters
Kit - Desserts Mafia
Togs - Gambling Apocalypse Mafia (+The Starside Hotel)
coromandel - God's and Monsters
aa-dono - Snack/Dessert Land
AbuHumaid - Call of Duty
CorruptedPurity - Akuma no Riddle
Doughkey & Amai_Yume - Madoka Magica
Togs - The Reaper's Game
Pentaflare - Murder mystery
Major Arcana Mafia(Host(s): Mishukax, CorruptedPurity): won by multiple parties:
Solo TPR: Qoco
Town and good TPR: Astros, logic340, RE1031, yurkin, Labs, AbuHumaid.
All Comments (2008) Comments
Happy Birthday :)
I hope u r doing fine there..miss u a lot!!