I'm hardly ever on here anymore because this website sucks. I knew it when they start fielding applications for unpaid labor asking for ridiculous qualifications while the site runner makes damn good money. I knew it when they started removing or de-weighting scores that didn't agree with what they thought the charts should look like. I know it now as they delete my Boku no Pico review on the grounds that I didn't explain in enough detail why child pornography is bad. RIP MAL, you sucked shit until you died. Leaving this profile up until they probably delete my whole account because maybe 1 or 2 people will see this and think about how gross this place is.
My name is Travis, and these are the anime I've seen. Keeping this simple for now as I've just recently started using my account after it had been sitting untouched for 2+ years.
As far as my tastes, I'm far more concerned with a work's verbal and especially, visual storytelling. Animation itself is lovely, but it's not why I watch. I like multi-layered narratives, 3 narratives crashing into each other, narratives that span a lifetime, stories where the plot is to run away from the plot, etc. I also prefer art styles and art direction to suck me out of my world and into theirs. If you can create a visual universe with dense and rich lore and character, I'll let slide limited animation and the occasional CG rendered flying stone (looking at you, Shinsekai yori).
I prefer dark stories that deal with the ugly side of human nature and tackle those themes in compelling and creative ways. But I also love Nichijou.
Everything I rate 8 and above I would recommend buying if I seem anything like you. 4 and below I would avoid. 7's are worth watching but probably not buying. 5's and 6's I'm pretty indifferent to.
Here's how my ratings work:
10: Works of apparent brilliance. These shows do not need to be perfect (there's no such thing), but they must plainly stand apart from their peers. These shows will have a message and present it in a way that is spectacularly entertaining, convention destroying, thought provoking, heart wrenching, or some or all of the above.
9: Personal favorites. Excellent stories that can be enjoyed again and again. They may have more apparent issues or just lack that tiny extra spark to be a 10, but these can still be considered "classics" or the level of and are almost always the best show of their respective seasons.
8: Great shows. These are highly enjoyable and worth rewatching. They may have very apparent issues, but their strengths make them worth revisiting.
7: Good shows. These shows are definitely worth the watch. I would describe the feeling about these as that after you watched them, you feel your time was very well spent, but you weren't blown away or need to see it again. You had a good time.
6: Ok shows. These will have their moments, but you'll also have moments where you wish you were doing something else. Not quite "good", but they have something that makes them not bland.
5: Average shows. These are kinda a waste of time. Not offensive, but they could be boring, or equal parts interesting and aggravating. Generally not worth the trouble.
4: Bad shows. These are deeply flawed shows that are tough to sit through if you pay too much attention. They may have decent presentation, but the content's a mess.
3: Very bad shows. These will insult your intelligence and may be mildly offensive.
2: Terrible shows. Infuriatingly bad content that makes you question why your 7 year old cousin can't join the creator staff.
1: Abortions. Zero redeeming content and a cancer upon this earth. Makes you wonder if hunting down and eradicating the creators should be considered murder or environmentalism.
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The Digimon TCG is pretty fun too. Although a bit expensive >:P
Been playing since 2019 VBT04 and like you, I'm interested to see how the actual reboot plays. Pre-ordered the 5 starter decks since they were so cheap. But if the anime doesn't improve it's a drop for me dawg.
(Your taste is fucking amazing holy shit)