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Sakamichi no Apollon
Sakamichi no Apollon
Jun 13, 2012 10:26 PM
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Jun 13, 2012 10:16 PM
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Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009)
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009)
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Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World
Jul 27, 2008 3:17 PM
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Trinity Blood: Rage Against the Moons
Trinity Blood: Rage Against the Moons
Jul 27, 2008 3:16 PM
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Curry naru Shokutaku
Curry naru Shokutaku
Aug 2, 2007 2:30 PM
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Diangelo18 May 27, 2021 7:34 PM
chichiriNoDa Oct 30, 2009 8:15 PM
Happy Halloween!
chichiriNoDa Oct 28, 2009 12:49 AM
Dude, why did you thought that!? I meant in my previous comment that its alright for you to do the things that are important. I meant I can relate to you for not coming here for a longest time since we have school, chores, family, job and in general to attend to first..

You like cooking!? I like to cook too! Btw dude are you living in Thailand, or is't just a Thai restaurant not literally a restaurant in Thailand?

Haha, you always give me funny clips.

Yes CNA involves working with a patient commonly elderly patients. CNA's are the low rank member of the health team in a medical field.. We can work at hospitals or home care center etc..

Lol its alright mate, I will just hit you up with comments once in awhile.. Its alright dude, I wouldn't hold a grudge towards you if you are unable to reply.. But just don't totaly forget Lol.. Did I tell you that since our last exchange of post, I learned to be a spammer. I'll flood you're comment box if you won't at least log-in and drop by to say hi once in awhile! LOL...

Did we just have this sort of conversation about weigh?!... You are the lucky one mate! You have a fast metabolism! Well hopefully your eating habits would pay off soon.. So you wanted to gain weight..

Everything is cool man, it's 12:48 am here in California. I guess I should hit the hay afterwards..

Btw where are you from dude? Catch you later mate, my eyes are shutting down... -yawn-

chichiriNoDa Oct 27, 2009 9:03 PM
Its alright dude, I understand that we have our own lives.. Sometimes I get lazy to reply to comments too, so I wouldn't come as much.. I completely respect whatever you feel like doing. So its all good no worries..

I know its seems like time is moving fast and its leaving us, or most especially me.. I need to get going with my life and career.. LOLs yeah things are just being things.. So enjoy everything!

It's nice to hear from you again mate! I looked at our previous comments and it seems like yesterday when I shared you about my first job. I quit at it 4 months ago btw..

Well hopefully everything is in your favor! Take care dude.. Just don't forget about your acquintances or should I say your online friend here in MAL.. Hit us, me, once in awhile when you can! Goodluck with everything dude..

As for myself, I am now a Certified Nursing Assistant, though still on the job hunt.. But everything else is ok and still the same. Oh and I lost weight haha..
chichiriNoDa Oct 27, 2009 2:12 PM
Dude hit me up sometimes!

Wasup with you man, whats keeping you busy there back home?

Hope everything is good with you. Haven't heard from you for a year!
sous Feb 11, 2009 5:41 PM
oi, you alive there?
chichiriNoDa Sep 29, 2008 10:05 PM
LOL sorry it's just like an expression of shock!? I don't judge people too easily so I don't meant saying liberal as asuming the person's personality.... Yes I would like to hear the story it sounds that it must be funny. LOL it's bad enough to talk to customers as a cashier so I don;t think I'll see myself as a waiter... I'm shy to people especially strangers and teen as me haha... Yeah tips can be a blessings especially people who give enormous bucks!

Oh yeah that's one of the major problem I have with scans! I hate reading through computer cause you need to click the button everytime you need to turn the page. Then add the radiation of the monitor. Also if your computer is slooooowwww (just like mine) it takes a freaking minutessss to load!!!! I love reading the manga on my hand as a book but the problem is I got no money as well! LOL haha yeah I'm forcing you to read Imadoki, Alice or what ever Watase's series haha. I'll talk to you forever about those LOL. I love Genbu Kaiden!!!! But I'm still waiting for volume 7 to be release and I'm getting annoyed since it has been more than 6 months since the last volume was released!

Anyways hope you have had a good free weekend!

LOL I hate Tohru because she's like a doormat main character. Sorry dude I just can't stand her she's like a total goody two shoes who likes to make everyone happy and she never leaves anything for her. I just found her weak as a main character (or a role model).
madskizzles Sep 28, 2008 11:19 PM
haha yea it has ive moved into college and have been enjoying the college life=) having a lot of fun so far meeting new people and all how about you?

yes BRILLIANT ENDING....the series hit me on my soft spot for anime which is the 'tragic hero' im glad the way that it ended...and actually at first i thought Lelouch died for sure until i read this

chichiriNoDa Sep 28, 2008 12:23 PM
LoL Haha yup it's definitely been a while since the last time we exchanges posts. Well nothing much is happening right now... Just busy reading manga scans even though I dread reading through computer... I planned to collect manga with each payment I get from my job... LoL we had have a group interview and it went well. I'm starting on Wednesday. Lol I'm nervous, I'm a cashier or service crew in some Filipino restaurant. $8.00 per hour, I know it's minimum but hey at least I got a job... Still waiting for the other job I applied to since that particular job had some health benefits... So until that time I'll work on this restaurant. LoL really!? You have a friend who showed on his/her interview drunked? LOL pretty liberal haha....

HAHA thanks I love Miaka's face, it's so hilarious LOL...

Yeah I know I thought Yuki will be one of the opposing character of the series... But it turns out he's just reserved. LOL I hate Tohru though haha.

Oh so you still voting for Obama. I think I like him as well though.

Yes, everything about Yuu Watase (except for some unlicense ones) you can definitely count on me. I have read Alice 19th. I don't really find it extremely great and entertaining but it's fairly good. I think it appeals more to girls since most of them can relate... But it is worth checking out (lol I'm asking you to check it lol since I want to spread Yuu Watase's fandom.) So your friend loves Alice 19th and Ceres... I don't think she will be fond of the original Fushigi Yugi... But the original is much funnier than the prequel and more cheesically romantic and I find it a bit annoying. Fushigi Yugi Genbu Kaiden is much more mature character wise. But the story is both great. Anyways enough of my nonesense.. Read two or 3 chapters then decide if you'd continue. As for me, Alice 19th is one of her ok series. Seems like me and your other Watase-fan friend have a quite different taste. Alice 19th and Ceres have less comic relief than Fushigi. You should try Imadoki as well, it's more to my liking than Alice HAHA.

So how are you? What are you up to? Hope youre doing good and hope to hear from you soon!
chichiriNoDa Sep 25, 2008 10:54 AM
Hello dude long time no chat... Just dropping by to tell you I got a job starting on October! I'm so excited... How's life for you?
sous Sep 14, 2008 4:14 PM
nah, too poor to do that. if i had the cash, i probably would xD

haha, well, im catchin up on geass. im on 18 atm, and been busy with school and all.
madskizzles Aug 31, 2008 7:06 PM
haha well thats the kinda stuff that you guys would never group of friends is kinda like that but i dont think anywhere at your level of friends haha

i was born in Lowell so i was living somewhere around there dont remember too well was near boston though....haha black market would be the perfect combination to address both of my interest haha XD LOL i would a valuable asset in the black to sell and provide the uhh "stuff" haha....thats what my auto teacher said...never do stuff for free "time is money" kinda stuff haha...yea ill make sure i rack in the dough lol

Business is always something nice to have on the side....sweet a guitarist eh? i use to play a little bit and the same with piano...wasnt good at either them=P could play them but wasnt good at it...always wanted to learn how to play drums though XD

HAHA yea cliffhangers are definitely killing me every week for geass....agreed geass is like crack in anime form...i caught up season 1 and 19 episodes of R2 in less than a week...other than eating and sleeping all i did was watch geass O_O....have you watched 21 yet? BIGGEST PLOT TWIST EVER
chichiriNoDa Aug 31, 2008 8:50 AM
Lol haha "barrels" as your username haha funny aint it? oh so moving barrels is much hard work then not squeezing grapes.... Yup white/gray what ever you call them.... Yes it was due to this stupid school requirement to graduate.... The so called "Senior Exhibition" it made me nervous for the whole year as a senior. We presented our project in front of the panelist for 7-10 mins.... LoL I will never forget that experience haha I hate speaking in front of people, I think I have a stage fright.... That project alone has lots of freaking steps I will never do it again. Weird requirements.... Haha lol sorry for the rant.

LOL Hahaha I like Yuki, lol I never been a fan of a bad boy guy.... I'm all around nice and reserved character lol.... I like quiet characters or those loner ones hehehehe.

No haven't got a clue to what's happening... Are you gonna vote? Which candidate will you vote? I think I'll go with Obama so at least I think.... haha he's pulling the troops out of the middle east and I like Peace lol hahahaha see how quiet natured guy I am lol.... Not really cause I'm talkative and impeteous lol I'm using this word and I don't even know what it means..... So yeah I don't really know whats going on with the presidential race....

oh its ok at least you still reply hope your doing good.
chichiriNoDa Aug 26, 2008 8:39 AM
lol do you make wine? so you guys sqeeze grapes or something? lucky, you aren't always getting headaches and hardly get phased by stress. I wish I could be you hehe. One time I was so stressed in school that white hairs were sticking out of my hair haha...

I live in San Diego... Thanks for the Goodluck hope I take the written exam soon.

Lol yeah need to check out KP. As for Furuba sorry but I don't buy Tohru's attitude lol.. Besides I was really on Yuki's side. But I love Ouran hehe .

Hope youre doing good.... Oh you don't have YM then it's ok.....

Hope too hear from you soon.

madskizzles Aug 25, 2008 9:44 PM
wow doode i gotta see that XD just see your friend twitching and all in class and the teacher asks him and he cant reply LOL wow the nurses office?! i would have been giggling my butt off just trying to shield it from the teacher but cant ahahahahaha wow your group of friends sounds awesome XD just playing around with each other in class just for the fun of it LOL

yea doode robert downy jr was the only funny guy in the whole movie otherwise it wasnt very made you smile but wasnt very funny at all=P it is...wasted 6 bucks on that movie...definitely not worth moments it almost made me fall asleep...

im from Massachusetts XD well at least when i was a little kid hmm music and business eh? which one do you want to pursue at Berkee? haha i might become a team trainer XD or a sports doctor haha i dont know i actually torn between health science and marketing so im not sure what im going to do either=P
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