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Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2: Kono Subarashii Geijutsu ni Shukufuku wo!
Apr 26, 2019 7:00 AM
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Days: 41.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries53
- Reread0
- Chapters7,443
- Volumes687
All Comments (38) Comments
February 2012 Edition
3rd year, crazy stuff... having any fun with it?
Looking forward to the holidays coming up^^ how many more terms do you have left until school is over... seems like you've been going for awhile... or was that you just working a lot and it sounded like school? lol ^_^
1. Nominations and voting
Nominate the Anime of the Month
Nominate the Manga of the Month - Oneshot Special
*Special* Vote the Featured AMV of the Month
Vote for the song of the Month
2. Club Topics and Discussions
Opinions on Winter, Expectations for Spring
Featured Anime and Manga of the Month Discussion Thread
News and Request for Help
Our club is almost one year old and we'll be most likely celebrating it with lots of specials and contests, so you might wanna check out the club at least once every few days as something new might appear in the horizon. :D
We noticed that while the member count keeps growing by day, we aren't exactly as active as we should be. It would be nice to see more and more people chatting in the comments or in the chat thread. I'd like to mention that a chat thread in our club gets closed after a comment or so is made on page 50. I'd like to get this one closed so we can start one anew in our next club year. Thanks in advance.
I'd also be glad if you introduced yourself in our special threads or warmly welcome our new members that have posted there. Also, if you have any trouble deciding what anime you want to watch or if you want to help others, take a look at the recommendation thread and post there.
If anyone is willing to make member cards, just post the templates in this thread or pm them to me. If you have made some other kind of graphic for the club you can post it in the comments or, again, pm it to me.
hurricanes last till ... i dunno... it just always seems to be right before my birthday till the end of this month where i live (tho that's only what i assume) but i never know. the wind picks up & it gets cold and then i assume it's a hurricane lol my friends usually tell me what's happening^^ i'm weird lol
those manga sites you gave are good^^ but they can't compare to onemanga but i can't be picky now can i? lol i think i've seen some of those trashy horror films or was it just violence? i dunno, but i've seen some weird ones^^
i used to read the summary for anime shows but sometimes they give away too many details so i try not to. i only put anime on my drop list if i know i'll never go back to it, that's why it's so short for right now^^
i've only seen the first ep. of Shiki, but i'm looking forward to watching it. I really liked it. right now i'm going to finish Heroman, then whatever else that is on my watching list.
uhoh! you're going to visit family, i hope you have fun. that bus ride sounds like fun, i know you're looking forward to that bus ride^^ =D hahaha
i wouldn't even know what to do for those 7hrs. ahh!! ^^ wOOt!
if there's no lightning i like to dance in the rain^^ tho lately it seems it always thunder and lightning. but it is our hurricane season lol^^
i'm actually re-reading One Piece^^ and i'm trying to keep up with the ones that update weekly but since onemanga went down it's harder for me to keep up with manga. i've been watching anime and korean dramas tho. ^_^
I was looking at Ironman, I wouldn't mind watching that, it was a good movie^^ Tegami Bachi was okay, the main character is annoying but i got thru it so i guess i liked it^^ i hope the 2nd season is good^^
yea Bakuman about the mangakas the picture looked good, so why not give it a try. that's usually how i watch an anime. the main pic with the title and if i like it, i watch the first 2-5 eps. if they are good i continue^^ wOOt!
how do you chose what to watch/read?^^
ooh thanks for the friend request^^
constant clouds and rain... you must <3 it^^ does it mean it's always cold there, or is it warm with the rain... cuz then that wouldn't be too bad^^ do you go dancing in the rain?^^
now that you mention fall-anime i need to finish my summer ones lol but i looked at the fall anime list and i'm surprise to see that two of the mangas i'm reading are turning into an anime^^ tho i won't watch them. i wouldn't mind watching Tegami Bachi Reverse since i finished the first season already. might watch Bakuman. if i watch any others it'll be cuz they are on ^^
what about you? planning on watching new fall animes? i really need to finish the ones i've started lol i'm really glad i have a list on here^^
The animation was great. Just from the beginning of the series to now, their drawing has changed... but I still like it^^
i'm from FL, USA ... mornings are hot, the nights are getting cooler... it's great to be here^^
I liked the beginning a lot... the drawing i'm getting use to...
overall i liked it... but when it comes to One Piece... I seem not to be able to dislike anything lol ^^
except for the filler with the seahorse.. i didn't like that lol
what about you?
wOOt! One Piece!!^^