All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 76.2
Mean Score:
- Watching14
- Completed198
- On-Hold16
- Dropped24
- Plan to Watch103
- Total Entries355
- Rewatched0
- Episodes4,541
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 8.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries15
- Reread0
- Chapters1,534
- Volumes177
All Comments (5) Comments
I agree that Souma has had a distinct arc, even if I find him more annoying than the other quieter characters he's by far my favorite. I haven't updated my review to include my new opinions as of episode 5, but I will. Believe me, people have argued to me that the characters have value, I just can't see past the wooden deliveries. The characters just feel like mannequins to me. They don't seem like real people to me. Real life is awkward and embarrassing, Just Because is just blank-faced melodrama that I really struggle to get invested in.
It seems like many of the points you made are subjective, which is nice that you have gotten so much out of it and I think you should write a review, but the show doesn't resonate with me in the slightest. I get that there is more to the characters but when the atmosphere is so oppressive like the director is trying force the audience to get just as depressed as the characters I struggle to pull anything meaningful out. A romance doesn't need to crush its audience to be realistic. I wish the show wasn't so painful in slamming its characters despair into the audience, but I could see that improving as it continues. Maybe if Komiya gets more screentime or the other characters cheer up a bit it could become at least enjoyable.
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