All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 183.4
Mean Score:
- Watching2
- Completed531
- On-Hold10
- Dropped44
- Plan to Watch199
- Total Entries786
- Rewatched42
- Episodes11,474
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 64.1
Mean Score:
- Reading6
- Completed654
- On-Hold30
- Dropped25
- Plan to Read923
- Total Entries1,638
- Reread16
- Chapters9,252
- Volumes811
All Comments (1429) Comments
Mine too~~ well my fav ships were D18,XS,8059 but I shipped 10069 and B26 too ~~
God you're right,he can be such an asshole... But that won't stop me from shipping them xD
Ok I agree with girls (I hated Kyoko and Haru too).The others we ok~~
So you ship XS then as well? I do ~~
Same, they could animate it. Me too, they just chopped it....
mine too~~i was into KHR(i had at least 10 ships lol) for almost 2 years.That's a lot XD
they are made for each other xD you've read the manga too right?
i used to be obsessed with KHR and D18 was one of my fav ships~~so when i saw your pic i had to add you ^^
these are nice too~~
btw i'm in love with your prof pic <3
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image by tkr