I am reading manga since 8 years ago (I think) my first manga was naruto, ater that bleach, and One Piece follow. Recently I made a list of manga that I have read, and start puting them in order of quality(IMO). So I end up with 5 main categories,those are...
1) manga that i can read it again and again with pleasure. {Masterpiece} {Great}
2) manga that i read them with pleasure but i don't want to read them again. {Very Good} {Good} {Fine}
3) manga that i read them smoothly but, they have problem (IMO) on art, or plot, or characters, or generally are not so good and OFC I will not read them again. {Average}
4) manga that i didn't read them smoothly and i pushed myself to finish them. {Bad} {Very Bad}
5) Manga that i didn't have the will to read them at all after I start them Because of the extremly bad art, or plot, or characters, or all of them at the same time. Some of them I finished them only because it was 10 or less chapters. {horrible} {Applalling}
So if you see a manga at {6 Fine} it means that is very good manga but not so good as those that are at {8 Very Good}.
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and as for suggestions you asked for. Are you asking for Slice of life and rom-com? Then I highly suggest you to read Lovely Complex and His and her Circumstances. Infact, try all the series mentioned on my list as "top 10 favorite couples"