All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 41.6
Mean Score:
- Watching13
- Completed167
- On-Hold24
- Dropped25
- Plan to Watch56
- Total Entries285
- Rewatched10
- Episodes2,543
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 42.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries213
- Reread3
- Chapters5,379
- Volumes792
All Comments (31) Comments
I also like Akari and Aika too, but my favorite is Alicia. What enchants me in the series is also the atmosphere so calm and the scenery reminding Venezia. There are mysticisms at the right times. It's an enchanting series.
What characters do you like besides Athena about Aria? I like Aria too.
I bought all the volumes so I could read in the bus, or vacant hours at the college. I'll try it then ^-^
Do you have a (or some) favorite genre? Mine is Gender Bender.
Btw, I see you liked Video Girl Ai. I stopped reading it at the middle, but don't remember why, maybe because I was too busy that time. Do you recommend? I like that author, but I have a lot of things to read, so I don't know if I should give it a try or not.
But specially the development of Utena, as she tries to become a Prince, but then she almost fails. But she regains her courage again, and again... And then, at the end, she apologizes to Anthy, for being a failure as a Prince, for just pretending being one, so touching!
Anthy also had a really interesting personality, in my opinion. She was often harrassed, but people treated it like she deserved it, for not being able to stand up for herself. Made me think about many things. She's not weak at all, for bearing all that. She was just "imprisioned" in something bigger. She needed Utena, and Utena needed her as well, because she wanted to become a Prince who protects people like her <3
I also liked the movie, just didn't understand very much when they became cars and all... But except for that, it was awesome.
I have all the manga volumes, and my best friend gave me a figure of her as a birthday present, I didn't believe when I first saw it! She's so pretty, my favorite figure forever <3
What are the main points you like about Utena? It's my favorite too.
C'est un des meilleurs animes que j'ai vus !
Ahlala j'avais complètement oublié que Madoka avait frappé Emiru, il faudra vraiment que je le relise un jour !
J'ai vachement bien aimé et c'est beaucoup moins naze que ça en a l'air !!!
Sinon j'adore Emiru, c'est un de mes personnages féminins préférés
Et quand à Yuri...
C'est triste, mais je ne peux plus la supporter depuis un certain évènement alors qu'avant je l'aimais bien
En fait à part Emiru (et le perso principal) il n'y a pas grand monde que j'aime bien dans Nozokiana XD
Par contre Madoka ça allait c'est marrant ^^ donc les raisons que tu as supposées "évidentes" ne le sont pas pour moi...
J'adore ce manga !
Et particulièrement Emiru. Alors quand je vois Tamako qui arrive en dérengeant la romance principale...
Après, ceux que je déteste vraiment c'est plutôt les "copains" de Tamako qui ont tout foutu en l'air, et pas elle même, après reflexion.
Du coup je pense qu'il est faux d'accuser ce personnage à tort. Je me suis trompé XD, et je viens de m'en apercevoir