i rate shows based off how much i enjoyed them. the style of the animation doesn't concern me but it does affect the score (by 1 point). the main things i look for in a story is the plot, direction, and character writing. sometimes the plot is amazing but if im not having fun with it, i wont give it a good score. also, since i am a lolicon, i am going to be biased toward anime or manga that has lolis in it. however it does not excuse every loli anime or manga to be worthy of a high rating. don't get me wrong: i can give an anime or manga a 10/10 even if you replace all the lolis with their 18+ counterparts (if the story will still make sense, that is), so yes i truly rate shows based off the plot, direction, character writing, and other factors. ur opinion wont affect the score i have given out but i am willing to listen to it. take a look at this beautiful breakdown.
score | how i rate my shows |
🟦 | blank score† - either i didnt have time or no motivation to complete this, even tho i might've still enjoyed it; so i can't give it a proper score. | 1️⃣ | total shit - this belongs in the void, it should've never existed. it transcends beyond shit, no matter how much one may try to justify its existence. | 2️⃣ | trash - has one or two aspects that save it from being a total shit, but still at the bottom of the barrel. | 3️⃣ | wtf - terrible, but dont exactly hate it. could still get the tiniest modicum of enjoyment from it. | 4️⃣ | bad - but enjoyable to a degree. something i can admit to liking, but def wont escape harsh criticism. | 5️⃣ | meh - mediocre. didnt like nor dislike, and something that wasnt really bad or good to me. def forgettable. | 6️⃣ | okay - it's alright, liked it well enough but not something i would be too hard-pressed to recommend. | 7️⃣ | great - very enjoyable, def considered a small treat and something i might remember for years to come! | 8️⃣ | amazing - pretty much a "masterpiece" in most of other ppl's judgement, tho not as strong as a 9 or 10 for me. has most of what i look for in a masterpiece, with the added bonus of throughly enjoying it! | 9️⃣ | masterpiece - strong masterpiece, excels in all areas (plot, direction, character writing, theme exploration, etc.) | 🔟 | transcendental masterpiece - highest class of masterpiece. transcends personal enjoyment and legitimate critique, and is the pinnacle of true glory that most anime can only dream to achieve. if the show is sad or relatable to me in a way that it gave me Post Anime Depression Syndrome (PADS for short), then it is 100% worthy for this show to get a 10/10 from me! |
†all ova episodes (or spin-off chapters) that are from the original anime or manga series will not be given a score, just apply the same score rating i put on the main series. the only exception to this rule is that if the spin-off is super long that is worthy a rating on its own.

WARNING: i am a massive lolicon, i only like the tsurupeta types. FUCK oppai lolis. i like TRUE flat-chested loli, lolis that look like they are 7 to 11 years old. lolis peak at 9 or 10 years old, and they hit the wall at 12 years old. i also really enjoy works with both LOLICON and RAPE tags†. if u can't understand me i'd rather not argue with u. anyways, i rate hentai or doujin based off how much i enjoy the animation, art style, and the expressiveness of the erotic nature. the plot of the hentai or doujin doesn't concern me but it does affect the score (by 1 point). i am not looking for amazing writing in a hentai or doujin, but a story is better than no story. here is a (i tried) breakdown of how i score a hentai or doujin... it's confusing but just base it off your instinct because even i do not know how i can explain the score i gave to each medium.
score | how a lolicon rate hentai/doujin |
🟦 | blank score - i probably just forgot to rate it. remind me to do that actually. | 1️⃣ | total shit - the animation or art style is outright horrible, and it has little to no story at all. | 2️⃣ | trash - better than total shit but is still very good at being terrible for what it intends to do. | 3️⃣ | wtf - dont exactly hate it, there are a few panels or frames that are better than the rest. could still get the tiniest modicum of enjoyment from it. | 4️⃣ | bad - story might be good, anything could be good. but anything that scores 5 or below probably does not align with my line of interest. | 5️⃣ | meh - mediocre. didnt like nor dislike, and something that wasnt really bad or good to me. | 6️⃣ | okay - there's lolis, there's also other elements i like, but maybe the art style didin't match up to my expectations or something. how do you even breakdown a scorelist for a fucking... nvm. | 7️⃣ | great - very enjoyable, this is something i will come back to so i can do it again. | 8️⃣ | amazing - it probably has an amazing loli, good art, good animation, good style, good expressions, and is pretty much considered a "masterpiece" but i need to save my 9/10 and 10/10 to things that are truly the best of the best. | 9️⃣ | masterpiece - strong contender. if there isn't rape, there is 100% loli content, and with everything else i mentioned in my 8/10, it surpasses my expectations and will come back to it more frequently than others. | 🔟 | transcendental masterpiece - highest class of masterpiece for a lolicon that is only interested in true loli (tsurupeta). transcends space and time, and is the pinnacle of true glory that most hentai or doujin can only dream to achieve. this is the hentai or doujin that i will definitely have saved as a local file on my computer, set as a wallpaper, avatar, banner, or other format on some device so i can always see it and think about it. |
†i can also enjoy LOLICON content that doesn't have RAPE in it, it truly depends on how the art style is done, and if the story can make up for it (just a little bit). here are some more tags i like as a lolicon enjoyer: incest, mindbreak, massage oil, teacher, gangbang, age difference, vaginal creampie, randoseru, js body type (if it isn't obvious enough already). but then again, i also HATE these tags: moasaic censorship, any censorship, pregnant, blowjobs, anal, gore, shota.
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