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Hi! We’re Ark! [ noi / tic ] !!
We love watching things but have a terrible memory so if something is wrong or not on here, we’ll probably add or fix it later >_<
We like watching horror, action, thrillers, fantasies and comfort media! We have A Lot of favorites, but we start and stop stuff all the time (-_-;)
We tend to be anime only, but end up knowing a lot about manga stuff too!
Feel free to message us! We love having buddies :D!!
Watching this season :
(Scores 9-10+)
These series Chemically Altered our brain because they are so good. If you don’t watch these shows we will hunt you for sport (/j)
Chemical Reactions [#1]
(Scores 6-8)
What it says on the tin! Might be because they have something that’s kinda mid in them, but otherwise a good series!
Not perfect, but Up there [#2]
(Scores 1-5)
Series that are… mid. Not good Or bad, but also not great or horrible, so they're just. Mid.
Why are you mid… [#3]