I read your review about clannad, I have to say that is one of the lowers I could find in MAL (although I didn't go through many pages), but it kind of open my eyes to its flaw which I couldn't see before, and thank you for that, I didn't lower my rate because of that because of the way I use to rate series, but it was a good review, though.
By the way, have you already played the VN? I'm almost finishing it and I intend to watch clannad next month (need to buy tissue boxes), but while playing the VN I could understand more about the story and I don't think that the first series was just a bunch of arcs with girls "being saved" or so because of what Tomoya does to those people diverges into what happens in AS last episode. What do you think about that?
Hey thanks. Yeah i would be really interesting in playing some Japanese import titles if there is a way to play them with an English patch since im not very fluent in Japanese. One of them in particular i want to play cause its already releaced in japan but not america is Tales of Graces. There are alot of other games that are not releaced out of japan that i want to play also.
Are visual novels just like story books that you read, kind of like motion picture manga applications. Where there is sound and character voices, but its all reading right? There not actually games though.
I use torrents alot so im familiar with them, i use them for manga and anime uses. So if there is a particular game i can download on torrents with an english patch, i will happy to check it out. At this point i don't really care bout the title, i just want to test any game out cause ive never done it before. My perfer genre though is rpgs and i know the Japanese have a ton of rpgs that were not even released outside of japan and i also like those anime dating sims type games. There kind of fun. Kind of like Atlir iris or harvest moon. I also have a ps3 that can play all regions, but it won't do me any good unless i can translate it into english.
So yeah when you get back, let me know how this all works i would be very interested in giving it a shot.
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By the way, have you already played the VN? I'm almost finishing it and I intend to watch clannad next month (need to buy tissue boxes), but while playing the VN I could understand more about the story and I don't think that the first series was just a bunch of arcs with girls "being saved" or so because of what Tomoya does to those people diverges into what happens in AS last episode. What do you think about that?
Newsletter From Clannad ~after story~
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Are visual novels just like story books that you read, kind of like motion picture manga applications. Where there is sound and character voices, but its all reading right? There not actually games though.
I use torrents alot so im familiar with them, i use them for manga and anime uses. So if there is a particular game i can download on torrents with an english patch, i will happy to check it out. At this point i don't really care bout the title, i just want to test any game out cause ive never done it before. My perfer genre though is rpgs and i know the Japanese have a ton of rpgs that were not even released outside of japan and i also like those anime dating sims type games. There kind of fun. Kind of like Atlir iris or harvest moon. I also have a ps3 that can play all regions, but it won't do me any good unless i can translate it into english.
So yeah when you get back, let me know how this all works i would be very interested in giving it a shot.
Thanks though.
Hope you like it:)
i see you like FMA too:3