I know that this account contains an astronomical amount of cringe but I made it when i was in 6th grade so cut me some slack. My new account is https://myanimelist.net/profile/InferneoxFlame if you want to check it out.
Yeah I wouldn't want to live in a world where there was no video games or anime. I can see how boring that would be lol. All these celebs hanging around during COVID-19 who have nothing to do but sit on their phones and chat on social media. Well that is why you pick up a hobby and don't let anyone tell you there is something wrong with that. Indulg your self into something you enjoy and that provides you entertainment.
That being said i used to look at these mediums as enjoyable but I was a bit picky on what i liked in terms of like age and like classical stuff. . Though as i grew over the years I even found the medium to be more represented as an art form which helped me get into more older vintage classics. If you open your mind enough, I think you can get into any rpg game or watch any anime rather it be PS3 or PS4 or even NES. Or a series from the 60's or 70's. I remember the day when i used to completely be against watching anything old like from the 80's for example. Thank god I came to my senses as the 80's is probably one of the most influential and predominant decades for Japanese anime as it introduced many of the medium's legendary creators.
Yeah I am pretty much a Neet and my entire young adult hood was compromised by a disability so yeah ive taken on certain hobbies like anime and video games living in self isolation for most of my life.
All Comments (6) Comments
Ajin, Parasite, and Shiki are good action anime you will probably like.
Made in Abyss, Houseki no Kuni, Shinsekai Yori, and Monster are favorites I think you would enjoy.
That being said i used to look at these mediums as enjoyable but I was a bit picky on what i liked in terms of like age and like classical stuff. . Though as i grew over the years I even found the medium to be more represented as an art form which helped me get into more older vintage classics. If you open your mind enough, I think you can get into any rpg game or watch any anime rather it be PS3 or PS4 or even NES. Or a series from the 60's or 70's. I remember the day when i used to completely be against watching anything old like from the 80's for example. Thank god I came to my senses as the 80's is probably one of the most influential and predominant decades for Japanese anime as it introduced many of the medium's legendary creators.