lambie is an infectious disease fellow and a 90s kid who prefers anime with hand painted cells, low frame rates, english dubs, cool opening themes, and tries to watch when multiple choice questions and antibiotics aren't eating away at her free time like a phage bacteria. om nom nom.
not dead, just a 30-something doctor with a 60+ hr work week.
yu yu hakusho is bomb, friends.
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All Comments (64) Comments
Have you been studying Japanese too and what do you love most about Ghost in the Shell?
How have you been?
I read your review of Psycho Pass and I completely agree with everything you wrote there. That was a masterpiece of an anime and is a pity for those who haven´t watched it yet.
I liked your profile picture a lot; YuuYuu Hakusho is an excellent anime; I watched it when I was a kid, but I cannot remember much about it. I am planning to watch sooner rather than later though. Are you going to watch the Netflix Live Action adaptation?
I love your favorite anime and manga section a lot; it feels so vintage and full of memories. I recall some episode of Magic Knight Rayearth, and I liked the opening song that arrived in my country a lot; that song deeply sounded like an anthem hahaha.
I´ve been wanting to read the manga of Pokemon since I heard how awesome it is. Moreover, is nice to see each game receiving a representative from the games, and the original creations like Yellow and Emerald are quite interesting.
Is nice to Terriermon in your favorite characters; he is very cute hahaha.
I hope you are having a great week :)
I’m stealing “hard copies— because e-books lack character”, if that’s okay with you.