If you're pissed that I gave an anime you like a low score, check the manga list. Animes I don't like I give a chance to their original form. (ex. Black Clover)
Yes they are. You should check out Nicholas Light TV. He is the most entertaining reactor I have seen. He has been reacting to all anime lately and he really feels the music, listens to the dialogue and pays attention to the characters. He is also good at figuring out what may be going on. My fav thing he has reacted to so far is attack on titan.
Code geass is also a god tier anime but I think that is way inferior to Breaking Bad. The only things i find close between them are the endings and the mcs. Adventure Time was like an 8/10 for me, really great. Atla is a masterpiece indeed, it is my #2 cartoon almost equal to ninjago for me. I like regular show too. I really wanna see ninjago s season 16 soon
Keep going with Breaking Bad bro! The 4th season is the 2nd best one, right behind the last one!
About Ninjago, I still enjoy seasons 11-15, they are a bit worse than the first 10 but I have a connection with this cartoon since I was young and I somehow still manage to love it. How about you?
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I haven't been active either, just now answering all my messages.
Are you doing well today?
I have been watching anime reaction videos on youtube. So fun.
How are you doing?
How did you get into anime?
About Ninjago, I still enjoy seasons 11-15, they are a bit worse than the first 10 but I have a connection with this cartoon since I was young and I somehow still manage to love it. How about you?