Is it a Fan Club For Akise?
Nope, it was called Akise Lounge because I like Akise Aru
What kind of Club is it?
This Club is a Card Shop and also a place where we play games and meet new people .
So if you like collecting cards, making cards, or if you just like to talk and hang out come and Join us !!
I hope this convinced you to join our Club (^-^ ) Have a Nice Day
Voting has begun to choose the best Naruto couples for Valentines day. Voting ends on February 14. To vote for your favorite couple please visit the following linK:
We are still looking for members who are interested in helping us with different tasks in the club. If you have lots of spare time, are on MAL almost every day and interested in joining one of the staff openings please feel free to PM one of the admins on which tasks you’re interested in. Here’s some of the staff openings that are available now:
Newsletter Team – This is the area we need the most help. Job of being on the newsletter team is to send letters out to the members of the fan club. Were looking for at least 15 members or more to help us out with this task since sending letters to nearly 5000 members takes a long time for only one person alone.
Member Card Makers - If you have some graphic experience, we need your help with making Member ID Cards and sending them out to members that request for one.
Club Recruiters – Looking for a least a couple of members who are interested to help inviting members to the club that are interested in the Naruto series.
Again please PM me or one the other admins if you are interested in one of the positions above.
So, newsletter's back. :) We are sorry for the delay and everything, Admins [Alan mostly] were very busy. We'll try to keep up going strong even in these busy times. :)
Back to business. We have one tournament match, and it's the semi finals match. As you may, or most probably may not know, two matches were on-going for two+ weeks already, and we got out first finalist. :) Now, onto choosing the second one. You can vote here.
We are getting closer and closer to 4000 members [it's still quite far, but well...], so we are all extremely thankful to you, members, for being with us! :) Thank you.
And last, but not least, as always, we are constantly searching for more newsletter stuff, so we can take off some burden from our existing helpers. If you have free time & good will to help, please leave a message here ---> Newsletter Stuff Needed.
GOOD DAY FALC MEMBERS! This may be too late already but let us still greet you a BELATED HAPPY NEW YEAR, at least. We池e having our very first newsletter to start the New Year. Hoooray~ We tried our best to shorten this as much as possible. And now, first things first:
FALC, as the name says, is a MAL club for Filipino anime lovers ・pure or half ・and for everyone who痴 interested to know more about the Filipino culture. Visit once in a while and leave a comment here. Who knows, maybe you値l be able to meet someone in your area who痴 pretty much the same as you ・one who loves anime. We would really be glad to see the club alive with your comments. Don稚 forget to be friendly, ok? Also, in here, you could find different threads that may catch some of your attention.
Here's a quick guide! Just click the buttons above. Each number represents a topic in the FALC thread.
1 - Get To Know (Introductions) 2 - Member Arts Encore 3 - Other Social Networking Sites - FB, Twitter, etc. 4 - FALC Profile Picture 5 - Get your FALC Badge Here! 6 - How does everyone look like? 7 - Latest Conventions and Expos 8 - Unlimited Years, 12 months, 245 Days of Anime
Note: For more threads other than the ones mentioned above, kindly go to this link.
Click the picture below to visit the chat. See you there~
ATTENTION: January 21-22 (Otaku Expo 2012) Visit this site for the schedule of activities and click #7 if you want to meet other con/expo goers!
PS. There's a longer and a more explained version of this newsletter here if you ever want to see/read it that is HAHAHA Thank you for reading this one, btw. Have a nice day and take care minna~
We have a couple of new polls up now which we have the Character and Team of the Month for February 2012 which you can vote for by visiting the following links.
To get this club up and more active again we are looking for members who are interested in helping us with different tasks in the club. If you have lots of spare time, are on MAL almost every day and interested in joining one of the staff openings please feel free to PM one of the admins on which tasks you’re interested in. Here’s some of the staff openings that are available now:
Newsletter Team – This is the area we need the most help. Job of being on the newsletter team is to send letters out to the members of the fan club. Were looking for at least 15 members or more to help us out with this task since sending letters to nearly 5000 members takes a long time for only one person alone.
Member Card Makers - If you have some graphic experience, we need your help with making Member ID Cards and sending them out to members that request for one.
Club Recruiters – Looking for a least a couple of members who are interested to help inviting members to the club that are interested in the Naruto series.
Again please PM one the admins if you are interested in one of the positions above or if you have any questions.
We are aware that this is a bit early, but we wish to use this opportunity and wish you Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! We, from KHR! FC's staff & newsletter team sincerely wish you to have beautiful year up ahead in 2012. :) Live long and prosper. ♥
And now, to present you with our last Tournament matches in 2011. x) As you might have, or might not have seen, we already had 3 matches running for a week, but they will stay active for two more weeks to come. So, even though you have enough time, make sure not to miss voting. :)
You can do it, by going to these threads: Match 3, Match 4 & Match 5. Expect more interesting tournament threads & club events to come in future! :)
Also, even though this isn't club event, we want to cheer & help out characters of Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Vote for KHR! characters @ ISML! And don't forget to share your votes & opinions with us. :)
There is one more Christmas surprise we have in store for you. :) But since it's a surprise, we won't be telling you about it yet. ~ Be sure to check the club out in next few days, and you might spot something interesting. :)
We'd also like to thank the members who joined our Christmas Event this year, there were more participants than expected. Thank you for joining ♥
The presents will be delivered on or shortly after the Christmas days. So patiently wait for them :3
And as a closing part of this newsletter, we, in front of Katekyo Hitman Reborn! FC would like to thank you for being with us in yet another year! Thank you for your support. :)
And last, but not least, I, AlanViBritannia, would like to thank other admins for being amazing comrades in inventing new interesting stuff & ideas for club, and to thank A LOT our Newsletter Squad for being glad & able to devote their time to help us out! Thank you people, we wouldn't do it without you! Thank you for enabling us to be best Reborn! community on MAL!
Until next time. ~ Be sure to enjoy your vacations & to have lots and lots of fun! Chiaossu!
Dear members of KHR! FC,
it is time for new Tournament to start! Winner of the last tournament was Giotto, Vongola Primo and we congratulate him on winning. But now, it's time to chose Best Arcobaleno! You can already vote in two threads, so please give us your opinion. Vote here: Match 1 & Match 2. :)
There are few more info to share with you. First of all, Katekyo Hitman Reborn! FC needs your help! If you can handle some basic photoshop work and if you have free time, please pay a visit here: Member Card Editors needed!
You will see everything explained in that thread. :)
And last, but not least, as always, we are in search for new additions to our Newsletter delivery team! If you have free time and good will, take a look @ Newsletter Sign-ups. :)
Also, Katekyo Hitman Reborn! FC got a total makeover in terms of new layout & display picture lately! So please, take a look and tell us your opinion about it. ;)
Maybe some of you noticed, the Semi Finals went on for a bit longer, our Boss AlanViBritannia went MIA and just reappeared, though still not able to use the internet enough to do the Finals opening, so Hi-Chan decided to do it, as its already been two weeks past the supposed start from the Final *g*
For those that didnt see it, Hibari won against Mukuro with about 60%. Many of you were surprised and thought it would be kinda unexpected. Guess the Hibari fans were too much after all xD
Now it's the Finals of the Best Flame tournament!
Go and vote for the final Match!
And as always looking for members that are willing to help out with the Newsletter Delivery. Most important: to have time. Look here for more info.
No more news at the moment. Don't forget to drop by our club & have a chat with us if you have time!
Hello~ This is a message from Anime Characters Fanclub. I know the club isn't very active, but I’m going to try to get it active again. To get it active again, I have created a thread called "News Letter Sign Up." If you like to receive news letter for updates on the club, cards, polls, then please sign up here. The club also have two new limited edition and they are Lavi & Allen Walker.
All Comments (301) Comments
We want to Invite you to Join Akise Lounge?
Is it a Fan Club For Akise?
Nope, it was called Akise Lounge because I like Akise Aru
What kind of Club is it?
This Club is a Card Shop and also a place where we play games and meet new people .
So if you like collecting cards, making cards, or if you just like to talk and hang out come and Join us !!
I hope this convinced you to join our Club (^-^ ) Have a Nice Day
If you want to subscribe, and receive future newsletters from
Dragon Ball Club, sign up HERE!
February 2012 Edition
Hello everyone ~
KHR! FC Staff ~
GOOD DAY FALC MEMBERS! This may be too late already but let us still greet you a BELATED HAPPY NEW YEAR, at least. We池e having our very first newsletter to start the New Year. Hoooray~ We tried our best to shorten this as much as possible. And now, first things first:
FALC, as the name says, is a MAL club for Filipino anime lovers ・pure or half ・and for everyone who痴 interested to know more about the Filipino culture. Visit once in a while and leave a comment here. Who knows, maybe you値l be able to meet someone in your area who痴 pretty much the same as you ・one who loves anime. We would really be glad to see the club alive with your comments. Don稚 forget to be friendly, ok? Also, in here, you could find different threads that may catch some of your attention.
Here's a quick guide! Just click the buttons above. Each number represents a topic in the FALC thread.
Click the picture below to visit the chat. See you there~
ATTENTION: January 21-22 (Otaku Expo 2012)
Visit this site for the schedule of activities and click #7 if you want to meet other con/expo goers!
PS. There's a longer and a more explained version of this newsletter here if you ever want to see/read it that is HAHAHA Thank you for reading this one, btw. Have a nice day and take care minna~
January 2012 Edition
With love,
KHR! FC Staff ~
Hohoi members ~
Be healthy~
KHR! FC Staff
Hello~ This is a message from Anime Characters Fanclub. I know the club isn't very active, but I’m going to try to get it active again. To get it active again, I have created a thread called "News Letter Sign Up." If you like to receive news letter for updates on the club, cards, polls, then please sign up here. The club also have two new limited edition and they are Lavi & Allen Walker.