All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 46.5
Mean Score:
- Watching13
- Completed174
- On-Hold23
- Dropped11
- Plan to Watch113
- Total Entries334
- Rewatched1
- Episodes2,813
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 41.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries187
- Reread0
- Chapters7,548
- Volumes438
All Comments (34) Comments
Like American cartoons, sitcoms and some action comedy shows, it's also episodic, so you can watch the series in almost any order you like. I only watch episodes 12-13 and 25-26 in order. The rest? I just pick whichever one I want to watch. Speaking of episodic, Lupin III part II and Astro Boy are also made up standalone episodes.
Yes the recs were put to good use ^^because I had to read from so many sources to applease the ever so demanding cardio boss of bosses (actually at the end of the exam he was a nice guy, but admitted to be very meticulous)
I have only 3 more stagiums left that are pretty easy and then summer time ^^
I think that you are actually shocked that college will end after such a long time and that you will finally put in practice something (I don't even realize how 4 years passed in my case)
I wish you the best of luck and to land on the speciality that you want ^^!!!