I am with you on agreeing and disagreeing. Like you said, the movie will stand on its own and it is already standing on its own. Both of our reviews will have no impact. I am not mad at your score. What confuses me is you calling yourself an overlord fan. You are not an overlord fan because you contributed to the negativity against the franchise. And when I say that, I talk about internally. Your review Will do shit on Overlord. What kind of person Can call himself an overlord fan when hé reduced the score of an objectively Well made movie. Because here is the thing, it is an objectively Well made movie. Look at the scores it received. If it was a bad movie I would agree with your review but you gave this kind of score to an objectively Well made Overlord movie. You ARE an hater. Like I said even the guardian score is higher. Concerning Madhouse, they don't have the budget and Will never have the budget no matter How much time they delay it because Kadokawa Will never give it to them. Even Frieren, it took all ressources plus outside help. Overlord IS a Well made anime and every overlord fan should be grateful for that. Look at other anime adaptations of popular light novels financed by Kadokawa like classroom of the elite. They are cash grabs . The latest example is unnamed memory, a good light novel butchered by the studio because Kadokawa is a cheapstake. Compare all the other light novel adaptations from Kadokawa to Overlord. You should count yourself luck if you are an overlord fan. Even with the minimal ressources that Kadokawa provides them, they go all out to make the best adaptation possible. They even use foreshadowing in the anime when they don't need to. I met someone who is not a fan but respect Overlord because of the amount of foreshadowing in the anime. The director Say they try to be thorough as possible even if they are not sure they get another Season. Every overlord fan should be grateful to Madhouse. Again compare to classroom of the elite or unnamed memory which brushed past over the source material like nothing. Madhouse even increased the time of the movie and decided to do a movie to be as faithful as possible. If it is not love and respect to Overlord, I dont know what It is. And for this Respect, regardless of its flaws Madhouse gets an positive score already fromm every true overlord fan, every single one of them.
You are not an overlord fan. Stop posing like one. Align yourself with the haters.
Also, the fact that you are getting confused reactions not from me but other overlord fans on your review should cause a click in your head and makes you realise You are an overlord hater, It is fine. Change your score and turn it to 1. You are already at 5. Go all the way.
You seem a bit more reasonable to talk than the juvenile hater who is cosplaying as an overlord fan. But, I have a hard time considering you a fan of Overlord when you put a negative review on this movie. You are essentially encouraging haters to trash it. They Will use your words to bash Overlord. You are doing a disservice to the Overlord franchise with your review. This is a fact. You look like a hater to me.Sorry.
I see your point regarding animation and fights but like I said Madhouse does not have the budget for this. So, I can not faut them. We Saw what they can do with Frieren. I would agree with you if it was a trash adaptation but there is a thing called objective criticism. Given the ressources given and the time imposed on them to adapt these two Books, you ask yourself could it have been done better ? The answer is no so your review is trash. The proof of this is the score It is at 7.81 and will continue to increase.
Lastly, You are selfish and think only about yourself. You said you want the fights and the animation because you have the Books to read. Subjective opinion. You can have it. However, what about the anime only ? Do we butcher the story and focus on the fights only and the anime only can not even grasp the Magic of Overlord ? Also, I am a light novel reader too and I think Overlord fights are a waste of time in the Books and in the anime. My subjective opinion but do I penalize the Books and the anime for it. No, because they are well done and contribute to the plot. This is the difference between you and me. I rate objectively you rate subjectively. Every overlord fan on the planet will not give not lower than 7 no matter who they are and what they like about it because it is objectively well made. I swore on it and It looks like I was right. You have a lower score than overlord haters. Maybe It is time to look at yourself in the mirror and realize you dont like Overlord.
When even the guardian has a better opinion on it, that is when you know You are an overlord hater. Stop calling yourself an overlord fan because like I said, every overlord fan no matter who they are Will not give it a score lower than 7. And if they don't like the movie they Will not leave a negative review under it no matter their feelings about because it is still Part of the overlord Franchise if we like it or not. And what You are doing with your review is 1, give ammunition to overlord haters, 2 prevent people who wanted to try the movie from getting into Overlord, 3 lowering the score of Overlord which is a crime for any overlord fan, 4 reducing potential fanbase of the overlord Franchise, 5 ruin the fun that anime only are having with the movie. Even the light novel readers who did not like the movie chose not to rate it and not comment negatively on it because they are fans of Overlord and because of these reasons.For example, there is a light novel reader on Mal who was disappointed and He left a mixed review with a 7 score. This is a true overlord fan.So stop cosplaying as an overlord fan. The Overlord community dors not need you
Hello Overlord hater😄 . Please don't call yourself an overlord fan. It seems to me what matters to you is the fights and the animation, not the story. Go watch demon slayer thanks you. The movie is the best adaptation Madhouse was capable so either accept it and shut it. So many people pretending to know Overlord on this site😂😂
Since you dropped Psycho-Pass I guess I can spoil it... the AI is actually a bunch of "irregular" brains in jars (I don't remember how they call people they can't scan), and to increase its capacity they look for other potential individuals they can add to the jar collection, so they are purposely inefficient so those individuals can wreak more havoc and bring a more diverse experience when they are captured. Season 2 is completely stupid though.
All Comments (6) Comments
You are not an overlord fan. Stop posing like one. Align yourself with the haters.
I see your point regarding animation and fights but like I said Madhouse does not have the budget for this. So, I can not faut them. We Saw what they can do with Frieren. I would agree with you if it was a trash adaptation but there is a thing called objective criticism. Given the ressources given and the time imposed on them to adapt these two Books, you ask yourself could it have been done better ? The answer is no so your review is trash. The proof of this is the score It is at 7.81 and will continue to increase.
Lastly, You are selfish and think only about yourself. You said you want the fights and the animation because you have the Books to read. Subjective opinion. You can have it. However, what about the anime only ? Do we butcher the story and focus on the fights only and the anime only can not even grasp the Magic of Overlord ? Also, I am a light novel reader too and I think Overlord fights are a waste of time in the Books and in the anime. My subjective opinion but do I penalize the Books and the anime for it. No, because they are well done and contribute to the plot. This is the difference between you and me. I rate objectively you rate subjectively. Every overlord fan on the planet will not give not lower than 7 no matter who they are and what they like about it because it is objectively well made. I swore on it and It looks like I was right. You have a lower score than overlord haters. Maybe It is time to look at yourself in the mirror and realize you dont like Overlord.
When even the guardian has a better opinion on it, that is when you know You are an overlord hater. Stop calling yourself an overlord fan because like I said, every overlord fan no matter who they are Will not give it a score lower than 7. And if they don't like the movie they Will not leave a negative review under it no matter their feelings about because it is still Part of the overlord Franchise if we like it or not. And what You are doing with your review is 1, give ammunition to overlord haters, 2 prevent people who wanted to try the movie from getting into Overlord, 3 lowering the score of Overlord which is a crime for any overlord fan, 4 reducing potential fanbase of the overlord Franchise, 5 ruin the fun that anime only are having with the movie. Even the light novel readers who did not like the movie chose not to rate it and not comment negatively on it because they are fans of Overlord and because of these reasons.For example, there is a light novel reader on Mal who was disappointed and He left a mixed review with a 7 score. This is a true overlord fan.So stop cosplaying as an overlord fan. The Overlord community dors not need you