i got hooked on anime this last summer and ever since then anime has kinda taken over my life :D recently i've been reading more mangas than i have watched anime. i'm not really sure why lol. i prefer romance comedies animes and mangas.
i'd really love any suggestions anyone has for me, i've been running out of animes that i would like recently, i have to spread my preferences a little bit i think lol.
my name is anabell nice to meet you :D thanks for visiting.

^^kudos and thanks to sakura_r0se for her awesome graphic editing. :D^^
My Clubs
All Comments (66) Comments
(all shoujo)
Bus Hashiru.
Nodame Cantabile
Bokura ga Ita
The last one is the only unfinished one so you won't have to wait for scans for the other 2
Let me know if you enjoy them -.^
The creator of the club,
Anyway, it's nice to meet you *bows* -.^
Our club layout has been updated for October! Come have a look and comment on it. Also, check out our new tumblr site for images of showbiz anime and manga
Are you watching any of the new anime?
The club's been doing good for the most part. It has it's highs and lows. There are times when I have lots of free time so the club is pretty active and then there are times when I'm crazy busy so there's a lack of updates, etc.
I try what I can though. Btw, since some of the other admins have already chosen their choice for featured series at least once already, did you want to pick one?
And I too have just noticed that my Manga count is twice the size of my Anime count...could it be that the Manga leaves more room for our imaginative interpretation despite the fact that in Anime, the characters are more in motion (we get to know of their quirks better?) lol
Anyways, as far as recommendations go of Romantic Comedies: Tokyo Crazy Paradise, Private Prince, and Nodame Cantabile :) Hope you'll enjoy them if you haven't yet.
Please take a second to read the first 2 words of my post in the club. You can't miss them, and if you want to drop it then I understand.
I'm planning to go to Japan next year though so I've been studying my Japanese very hard. I can read a little bit now and I understand the basic sentence structures.
LOL, HGM is the only club that I've been active in since it's my own. I've started to get active in READ again, but I'm too lazy to go around and visit all the other clubs.
I'm just trying to get ready for the summer. I'm planning on going to an anime convention next month so I'm very excited!
Just checking in on you. How have you been? Still busy with school and your huge list of activities? LOL.
so far? I've been interested in reading this as well - though not anytime soon 'cuz I really can't handle reading anymore manga, LOL.