its super saiyan infinity bro did u even watch the anime lmaooo
its the ultimate form of saiyan, in this form the saiyan becomes god. it happened 1000 years after matt's death, when goku was reborn as the super saiyan infinity
╭━━━━╮ This is memedog. Help
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▕▔▋ ╰╮╭━╮ will never be a meme dog
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All Comments (1365) Comments
hes 1/4 saiyan 2/4th greek and 1/4th cuban
its the ultimate form of saiyan, in this form the saiyan becomes god. it happened 1000 years after matt's death, when goku was reborn as the super saiyan infinity
here's some reading homework:
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┃ ┃ ╰━▅╮ MAL by pasting
╰┳╯ ╰━━┳╯ him in 5 other
╰╮ ┳━━╯ profiles or he
▕▔▋ ╰╮╭━╮ will never be a meme dog
▏ ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ O O┃
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Glad to know
ur not the birthday boy anymore, i hate you now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!