To all staff of Anime Cards Brigade {A.C.B},
If you still want to be part of the club staff, please respond to the Staff Club Discussion thread about your status. If you are on hiatus, please say so too and how long. I will give you one week to reply ~
All Comments (3) Comments
Hey everyone :)
The following are now open!
Tsundere LE
Another LE
sandyjaynee's Bday SE
Suggest more LE themes here!
To all staff of Anime Cards Brigade {A.C.B},
If you still want to be part of the club staff, please respond to the Staff Club Discussion thread about your status. If you are on hiatus, please say so too and how long. I will give you one week to reply ~
To all card makers,
You may participate in the following LE's -
Tsundere LE
Another LE
Guilty Crown LE
All cards will be due in 4 days from today! Thank you :)