I have many different nicknames and this one is just randomly generated in one site as a name for dark elf ;) I was playing L2 bad a year ago and my favorite character was dark elf female abyss walker. I am also known as katinas_kestutis, farsight. I am a movie maniac who became an anime fan too. When I watched anime first I didn't realised that it was called anime, so only now I get the chance to get to know to anime world better.
I also like: football (not soccer damnit), beer, hooliganism, fanatism, driving car at night, tequila, smoking, crunchy snacks, chinese food, E.M.Remarque books, oldskool things, disko music, rock music (from popular to heavy), being lazy, collecting unimportant things...(not finished)
"By damaging his body he allows his inner beast, a feral dog-like demon, to take over and endanger everyone in the vicinity, friend or foe" - Berserk
All Comments (4) Comments
Recommendations ony associate series that share some common settings, themes or plots, it doesn't say they are equally as good because the best series are often from completely different genre.... For example, how can I recommend Mushishi, which is wonderful, in Baccano's page?
So don't expect recommendations to be equally as good (or as bad) as the actual series....
That was because I felt Nijuu Mensou didn't have any recommendations and the series is not bad, just slighty plain and cliche.....