Same here; I don't think I have ever had such a visceral reaction to reading a manga before, which is why PunPun remains one of my all-time favorites to this day. Nijigahara Holograph literally took me multiple reads to comprehend at a basic level and lots of research on "the butterfly dream" by Zhaungzhi. Have you read Girl on the Shore or Solanin?
That makes sense, and either way is a massive W imo. I would definitely consider Inio Asano to be mine; I don't think I've ever encountered an author or creator who can create such realistic yet bleak portraits of life itself. His understanding of the complexities of human nature and how it operates at a fundamental level is essentially unparalleled from my experience, especially within Nijigahara Holograph. Easily the most complex and implicit manga I have ever read in terms of philosophical depth, as well as a brilliant phenomenology of human existence.
BTW, I know I already mentioned this, but your taste in anime and manga is absolutely incredible. I really need to check out Paranoia Agent soon, as I think it would definitely have the potential to become a new favorite of mine.
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BTW, I know I already mentioned this, but your taste in anime and manga is absolutely incredible. I really need to check out Paranoia Agent soon, as I think it would definitely have the potential to become a new favorite of mine.
Pretty cool selection of favs, digging the fata rep.
nice to meetcha
This is how peak fiction isekai looks 🗣️🙏
Btw, did you read 21th Century Boys?