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Days: 28.6
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- Total Entries123
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- Chapters4,504
- Volumes527
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I enjoy watching streams also. Sometimes it's just more fun to watch than it is to play. I'm not a big fan of traveling and staying in hotels. I bet there's a video or two up of me playing though, *goes and checks*, oh wow, here's an old one of me playing a cheap team in vanilla Marvel. Ah, those were days, that team made so many people retire lol.
I kinda lost interest with the whole fighting game scene when SF4 came out, but I still go to SRK to chat with the people from my area. How about you? That was a long time ago!
I do actually take Marvel 3 and Ultimate Marvel 3 seriously, that's honestly the only video game I ever play. I've been occasionally going to tournaments in my region (the Midwest) for Marvel ever since it came out, and have been on a string of 2nd place wins, but I can never seem to get that 1st place title though lol. You interested in games at all these days?
Glad to see you're still watching anime! You made a good choice. House of Five Leaves is definitely an anime I need to re-visit sometime, there's a lot details that I overlooked the first time I watched it. It wasn't until I started making those music slideshows that I realized the seasons were slowly changing over time, and that they were trying to familiarize their audience with different locations around a town. I didn't pay much attention to the first 6 episodes because they were rather uneventful, but now I wish I had. The last half is where all the conflict arises, and that's when I really fell in love with it.
Even the Hunter X Hunter remake was a huge letdown, though I'm not sure why they decided to remake it in the first place seeing as how the original was actually awesome. Though I am kind of interested in seeing the new material for it, a proper ending would be nice.
So did you ever get that new computer, or are you still stuck with an old one?
You checking out anything from the new season of anime? Fate/Zero is looking real pretty right now. Now I know you've seen the abomination that was Fate/Stay Night hehe, so did I unfortunately, but damn, I must say that Fate/Zero has really stepped things up. I wasn't even planning on watching it in the first place, but it's turning out to be really impressive so far.