I'm reverse still searching for job so I have plenty of time thou my healthy is kicking my off for past few years so a bit off but ovrall
trying to live ;3
where do u work?
Salutations! I really enjoyed your review for Tokumu Sentai Shinesman. It was very well constructed! I was hoping you had written more of them, but alas not yet. :/
oh sorry.. recently I'm more active on MAL, but most of my old friends don't chat here..
ah I don't have facebook account.. yeah I know it's strange but it's my policy xD
aww glad you have nice time and everything going well.
I graduaded from University and got bachelor degree , now I'm study on master degree. everything seems okey, i try to came back on trakc with drawing, but my health comes in a way so uhh I have long way XD
anyway I'm okey ^^
glad to hear from you!
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trying to live ;3
where do u work?
ended uni, now jobless but I'm good
what about you????
ah I don't have facebook account.. yeah I know it's strange but it's my policy xD
aww glad you have nice time and everything going well.
I graduaded from University and got bachelor degree , now I'm study on master degree. everything seems okey, i try to came back on trakc with drawing, but my health comes in a way so uhh I have long way XD
anyway I'm okey ^^
glad to hear from you!
Thank u very much ^^ awwww! Ok, I'll email u my pic later tonight :) see u later brother :3
I know, I'll becareful ^^ oooooooookkkaaaay :3
Ok, I will ^^ and I can send u a reccent pic of me :)
My email is Custer_Kelsey@yahoo.com
I can't im because of my mom's kindle, but I can email u ^^