I value story over animation but it's always good if a great series also has great animation.
Masterpiece. An anime which is perfect in every single aspect with (almost) no flaws. For me to give an anime this rating, it has to be very memorable and have a great story and characters (obviously). Would always recommend.
Example: Ghost in the Shell
Great. An anime which was very close to being a masterpiece but fell a tiny bit short. Maybe it was because of a slightly noticable flaw or maybe a character. Would also recommend.
Example: Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor 2 the Movie
Very Good. A solid anime which is very entertaining and excels in most of its aspects. But it fails to deliver what it had promised or has noticable flaws.
Example: Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei
Good. An entertaining show but has major flaws or the good aspects of the show outweigh the bad aspects by a decent margin. Overall it's quite satisfying and mostly achieves what it had promised.
Example: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Fine. An anime in which the good aspects just barely outweigh the bad ones. Maybe it's due to poor story writing or characters. It's a show I'd usually not recommended to people unless it's specially the type of show they are looking for.
Example: Paprika
Average. There's a balance between the cons and the pros. They might have some positive aspects but they'll soon be forgotten once I finish the anime. I would never rewatch nor recommend an anime I've scored less than a 5 (unless it's what people are looking for, of course).
Example: Tenshi no Tamago
Bad. An anime which was a let down and in which the bad aspects start to outweigh the good ones. It's mainly due to very poor quality of story telling with a childish or stupid plot or the fact that anime has close to no lovable characters or if it's just staright up boring.
Example: Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi
Very Bad. I'd recommend people to stay away from this type of shows as they are just a waste of time. The anime with this rating has major flaws which can't be neglected, story writing so terrible that it can't even be described, boring or just staright up weird (in a bad way).
Example: Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season
Horrible. An anime with almost nothing I like. This is the lowest rating I've given to an anime so far. Every aspect from the story, characters, visuals, etc is so terrible that it doesn't deserve to be talked about.
Example: Howl no Ugoku Shiro
Appalling. It's an anime which disgusts me or makes me angry so much so that I hate it with a burning Passion. Worst of the worst show to have ever been made.
Example: Yosuga no Sora: In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone.
Text form
From left to right and top to bottom,
• Hunter x Hunter (2011)
• Steins;Gate
•Fate/Zero 2nd Season
• Doraemon (1979)
•Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
•Death Note
•Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2
•Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2
•Koe no Katachi
I see! I also haven't been watching too much anime lately - mostly just seasonals.
SBR is fine so far, but it's a very slow burn. I've been told that it really starts to get good when Ringo is introduced, and that's where I am right now, so I'm very excited. Overall, though, I think I prefer the faster-paced shounen JoJo. If I had to rank the parts right now, I'd go 4, 2, 1, 3, 6, 7, 5 (yeah, I didn't end up liking the rest of Stone Ocean that much).
In terms of how I am, I'm fine. Last month, I finished my first semester of university after three semesters of community college. It was actually pretty fun; I can't wait to continue in August! On the other hand, I had a job at a big thrift store chain that I only lasted about a month at. I'm not sure what it was that made me not like it there; maybe I'm tired of retail for the time being.
_rao_ said: I've heard Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä manga is better than the movie. And you still haven't finished reading FMA manga I see.
Collecting 27 volumes takes time
Sep 6, 2022 4:16 AM
~ Hello _rao_-san,
My name is Maru-chan, nice to meet you
I was created by my master to help other users on how to use MAL
Still under early development, but hope to be useful in near future
And yes, I am a bot-chan
Yeah, the middle is kinda boring, but I'm hoping it ramps up towards the end. If I had to rank the parts from best to worst so far, I'd go 4, 2, 6, 1, 3, then 5.
And yep, finally finished it! I'll have to watch it again someday since I don't really remember much about the first half of it.
He doesn't grow? That's such a shame. The potential's definitely there. Tbh tho, Denji's personality would work better in a comedy show like Kazuma's does in Konosuba.
About JoJo Part 4, the stands are feeling a bit repetitive tho that might be because I watched 3 parts in around a week. In Part 3, we went to a lot of places with their cultures on display but in Part 4, we're stuck in a city. Jotaro's design is also a step-down from the previous season. I should probably slow my pace down a bit to enjoy.
As for where I found you, that would be in the CSM chp discussion threads.
As for the manga itself, it's pretty good but not as much as it was hyped tho I suppose that's to be expected.
The tone of the manga is quite weird; the gore shown sometimes clashes with jokes that characters like Power and Denji make.
Denji himself has a questionable personality tho by now, I have come to enjoy it for what it is. I would be disappointed tho if he doesn't develop as a person. Power is ..... there. She is pretty hilarious tho I hope she becomes more important than simply a joke dispenser. Aki is best boi, 'nough said.
Makima is pretty interesting tho. She's seductive and has Denji wrapped around her finger. From what I can see of her powers, it's likely that she's going to become an antagonist at one point. I'm interested in her motives.
All Comments (85) Comments
Here you go if you want to reupload it elsewhere.
SBR is fine so far, but it's a very slow burn. I've been told that it really starts to get good when Ringo is introduced, and that's where I am right now, so I'm very excited. Overall, though, I think I prefer the faster-paced shounen JoJo. If I had to rank the parts right now, I'd go 4, 2, 1, 3, 6, 7, 5 (yeah, I didn't end up liking the rest of Stone Ocean that much).
In terms of how I am, I'm fine. Last month, I finished my first semester of university after three semesters of community college. It was actually pretty fun; I can't wait to continue in August! On the other hand, I had a job at a big thrift store chain that I only lasted about a month at. I'm not sure what it was that made me not like it there; maybe I'm tired of retail for the time being.
I've heard Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä manga is better than the movie. And you still haven't finished reading FMA manga I see.
Collecting 27 volumes takes time
My name is Maru-chan, nice to meet you
I was created by my master to help other users on how to use MAL
Still under early development, but hope to be useful in near future
And yes, I am a bot-chan
Please try sending a private message to me
Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu
And yep, finally finished it! I'll have to watch it again someday since I don't really remember much about the first half of it.
(Btw, I still haven't watched Haikyuu!! S3 or JoJo Part 6, for that matter, but both will be priorities for 2023!)
About JoJo Part 4, the stands are feeling a bit repetitive tho that might be because I watched 3 parts in around a week. In Part 3, we went to a lot of places with their cultures on display but in Part 4, we're stuck in a city. Jotaro's design is also a step-down from the previous season. I should probably slow my pace down a bit to enjoy.
As for where I found you, that would be in the CSM chp discussion threads.
As for the manga itself, it's pretty good but not as much as it was hyped tho I suppose that's to be expected.
The tone of the manga is quite weird; the gore shown sometimes clashes with jokes that characters like Power and Denji make.
Denji himself has a questionable personality tho by now, I have come to enjoy it for what it is. I would be disappointed tho if he doesn't develop as a person. Power is ..... there. She is pretty hilarious tho I hope she becomes more important than simply a joke dispenser. Aki is best boi, 'nough said.
Makima is pretty interesting tho. She's seductive and has Denji wrapped around her finger. From what I can see of her powers, it's likely that she's going to become an antagonist at one point. I'm interested in her motives.
So there, I am indeed enjoying CSM so far.