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Loop 7-kaime no Akuyaku Reijou wa, Moto Tekikoku de Jiyuu Kimama na Hanayome Seikatsu wo Mankitsu suru
Jul 10, 2024 8:29 PM
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sorry for the spam~
*click to stamps to go on club site*
In other news, there is a new pic in the ‘Guess this Character’ game! See if ya know who it is! ^____^
Well, that’s really all we’ve got to say. Thank you for joining and sticking with us! ~Ja
I misjudged the date and im actually starting school in the next coming week. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh >__< i only had two weeks and a half of summer vacation! *sob*
Oh i was right? My memory is better than i thought.
yeah, i can understand the expensive part.
I like Kpop, but only a few groups and singers. Well most Jrock bands usually don't get alot of public recognition outside Japan, right? Espcially when it comes to VK. I think pop is more popular in genearl anywhere. At least it seems that way.
How are you?~~
Just found your profile by chance and it seems you like La corda d'oro... If you are a violin fan in general, I'd be very happy if you join the Violinist Association Club :)
If you do not, then sorry for disturbing you ;) and have a nice day :)
PS: Perhaps you’re also interested in the La Corda Primo Passo/Seconde Passo FC?
Whats been new with you??
OHHH! I wanted to tell you, i think SuG (have you heard of them?) is having some lives in Singapore. I think it was SuG, i can't remember! >_< OH NO! Im sorry. XD I'll try and look that information up again. >_<
Im taking a degree in General Studies: Liberal Arts and Humanities.
Well in NY elementary/high school start in Fall, i don't know why.
College can start either in Fall, Summer or Spring. I have a summer course before i actually start my other five classes in Fall.
Just curious but do you play video games?