I wouldn't consider myself to be a particularly analytical watcher or reader. I mostly just watch shows and read manga that I think that I might enjoy. Enjoyment can vary from unending amounts of praise, to one or two aspects of a show that made me stay for the ride, or something being so appallingly bad that I feel like I must watch it (in rare cases).
I try to finish as much stuff that I watch as possible, but I am not opposed to dropping shows.
My tastes are still very amateur and I don't think that I am in a very good position to be recommending shows to people with my relatively small library of content.
The way I rate shows is as follows:
10 - Shows that I can and will always be able to come back to and enjoy just as much as the first time I watched them. Some of them may not be perfect, but then again nothing is. These are just the closest ones to it.
9 - Shows that I got great amounts of enjoyment out of, possibly even a similar amount as ones that I gave 10s to, but had some sort of flaw in quality or production that rubbed me the wrong way. Still a very enjoyable experience.
8 - These basically meet the same criteria as 9s, but have a higher proportion of flaws when compared to their high points.
7 - This is the bottom of what I typically consider a worthwhile watch. Again, these shows just had a different proportion of positives to negatives than 8s or 9s. I would not often rewatch a show such as this, but it was still an enjoyable experience nonetheless.
6 - These shows are just barely above average. They usually only have one aspect going for them that I enjoy, be it visuals, characters, music, etc. I would not recommend these shows to anybody unless they were looking for something specific and this fit the bill.
5 - At the middle of the scale, this is what I consider to be average. What is odd about saying a 5 is average for me is that I give out more 7s and 8s than I do fives. The reasoning behind this is simply that I don't make a habit of watching bad shows unless they fall way at the bottom of this scale. These shows usually have one aspect that appeals to me, just like a 6, but fails in its presentation of that characteristic or botches the flow between other aspects of the show.
4 - This is probably the most offensive score that I could give to a show because it means that it had something worth approaching, but failed my expectations. This score is among the most common of shows that I drop and I most often award them to shows that I find particularly boring.
3 - This rating can be used to describe shows that I dislike intensely, but still have one aspect that obviously had some degree of effort put into it (usually animation or visual style). The only thing that usually separates a 3 from a 2 is pity points, essentially.
2 - These are what I dole out to shows that are offensively bad in every aspect that they try to pursue. There is nothing to appreciate in a show like this.
1 - What separates a 1 from a 2 is how I would pitch it to other people. I could at least say that someone could watch a show that I rated a 2 because it is a good example of what not to look for in an anime. A 1 is so bad that I would not even subject someone to it even under those laughable pretenses. It takes a special kind of "terrible" for me to give a show a 1.
*150th Anime Completed: Re:Zero -Starting Life in Another World-
*4,000th Episode of Anime Completed: Hunter x Hunter (2011) Episode 67
*4,000th Chapter of Manga Read: Plunderer Chapter 5
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