Man I hate that I can only add 5 favorites. So I'm going to have to elaborate here so I can add a few more to make my magical 8, which is a right damn pain, I can't make a 3x3 with 8, I need something else to come along and sort that really.
First off is Little Busters at the top, it's a bit of a weird case.
Little Busters is...just indescribable, the VN is a phenomenal masterpiece in every sense of the word. The Anime however, it, mostly it's first season, is too flawed for a true 10, the second season is a worthy adaptation, no matter what any one says, but even that doesn't truly capture the masterpiece that is the VN.
I cannot add the VN, however, I cannot let my love of Little Busters remain unknown, regardless of the Anime's quality, Little Busters will always be number 1 in my heart.
Kanon at second is another weird case
Is it the best show ever? No.
But shit, this motherfucker is close to my heart, I still truly believe it’s responsible for shaping the person I am today. It has my utmost respect.
This was the first show that truly shook me, and the aftershocks carried on for years.
It was also the damn show that made be branch out my tastes and begin the eternal downwards spiral into watching hundreds of Chinese Cartoons.
It's not like it's not one of the best shows on my list anyway, but it's pushed up to this lofty perch for special reasons.
ef -a tale of memories- at third continues the weird trend
If is wonderfully crafted, I can't find any better words for it than that, it is just so solid.
Well, the first season is, and that's where the weird comes in.
The second season, -melodies- I don't quite get along with as well, it would definitely drag ef down if I included them as one entity, so I do not, it helps that they're self contained with only a lose connection.
You know what isn't a weird case? You know what doesn't have any silly reasons for it's placement? You know what is simply straight forward and good? Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
I don’t think I need to sing this ones praises, like, for realises.
It gets you so hyped up, so invested, with such utter simplicity.
It is the perfection of the glorious genre that is Super Robot, writing any more would practically be against it’s values.(Nice Excuse)
...ok there is one extra catch, the movies don't do the series justice, but the final battle of the movies blows anything else in the series away.
Back to weird reasoning, Clannad ~After Story~ takes 5th
Unlike ef, I can't seperate this one from it's prequel, so that pulls it down a bit.
Unlike melodies, Clannad isn't a disappointment.
Only Little Busters has a scene that packs more emotional punch than ~After Stories~ greatest moment, that alone is all I need to mention.
Toradora comes in a 6th
Toradora really does everything well, it's just an all round fantastically built show
Comedy? Hysterical. Drama? Some of the absolutely best. Characters? Effortless to get deeply attached too.
ToraDora’s greatest strength is that it does so much and does it all right, and the way it seemlessly goes from Comedy to Drama and vice versa is an amazing thing.
Also Minori is the best worst girl/worst best girl ever.
7th is the well known favorite of many, Star Driver
My 'wildcard' so to speak, I love Star Driver. Big time. Fully acknowledge it does NOT belong with all these shows surrounding it on this list. But god damn, I really like Star Driver, it’s basically everything I like in a show, anyone who doesn’t like it is a terrible person who needs to take several sticks out their arse.
8th blade is Katanagatari
The last of my ironclad big 8, the last show before it all becomes a hazy mess of indecisiveness.
The show was good, the show was really good, but then that last episode came.
FUCKING FEELS. Straight up, I mean, the show was already absolutely fantastic, but then that last episode, THAT LAST EPISODE.
I’m not even sure how one describes it other than ‘phenominal’.
And that's that. The three shows who couldn't make the list that I just had to pay tribute too, along with reasoning for the others.
And for a little backstory on me:
Long story short, I'm a huge Kanon fanboy. Well, Key Fanboy might be more accurate.
Well I reakon I started Anime around mid '07, Saw the usual madatory noob anime, like Naruto and the like, Watched Kanon 2006 in Novemberish and got blow the hell away, realised just how much I was missing out on, opened up to more genres(Before, I'd just stuck to actiony shit), and here I am now with over 300 series down, I do needs to get life.
My favorite anime are over there too the left, although I hold anything on my list with a 9 or a 10 in very high reguard, pretty much recomend them all.
So I used to think KyoAni was a pretty cool guy. Key shows, Haruhi and the like. Then K-on. Ok sure, they can have one bad show. Then Endless Eight, ok ok, I can forgive that because the 8th episode left such a huge impression due to it. Then more K-on and that is about where I started to lose any love I had fo them. Fast forward to November 2011 where it's reviled they actively rejected doing Little Busters! and it becomes full on hatred.
So right now I am a total Shaftfag, feels good man.
Indeed, White Fox is a bit too young to handle a highly acclaimed masterpiece like LB!, but considering how well they did Steins;Gate... I wouldn't be that scared for them to handle this instead.
On my side though, I am curious how LB! will turn out if Shaft handled it. Lol, I know this is like a "wtf?!" to most of us. Some may say that perhaps the atmosphere LB! brings will be changed if they do it.. but I don't think that they are that stupid to fuck things up... and considering the fact that Shaft handles very well dialogues/monologues which LB! has a ton of.... I think that they can do it just right, if not deliver it as a true masterpiece. I'm also surprised that they will adapt Nisekoi (it's a freaking rom-com harem lol)... I'm very interested in seeing how it will turn out.
When the time comes for a Rewrite adaptation, I want White Fox to handle it. I don't know.. I just feel that they can really do it... not just because they animated the OP2 of the VN.. just a hunch.
I totally agree with almost everything you said to Vladz0r back in the LB! forums.
Seriously, the way they whine about the anime frustrates me more than how "not good" the anime is. And yeah, regarding about that Kyoani discussion, I totally agree. Kyoani rejected it maybe because they don't have the balls; LB! is a hard material to adapt, and they don't want that "image" of being a godlike studio be ruined. On the other hand, JC has nothing to lose so they went on it.
Just a question, what studio aside from JC do you think will handle LB! better?
I firmly believe that somebody who falls asleep while watching something automatically has their opinion lose all its value. On one side, yes, it's the movie's job to keep you entertained, but on the flipside, it's the viewers' job to give it a minimal amount of attention so it at least has to opportunity to try to wow you. That means staying awake during the movie.
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Gottem Requiem.
On my side though, I am curious how LB! will turn out if Shaft handled it. Lol, I know this is like a "wtf?!" to most of us. Some may say that perhaps the atmosphere LB! brings will be changed if they do it.. but I don't think that they are that stupid to fuck things up... and considering the fact that Shaft handles very well dialogues/monologues which LB! has a ton of.... I think that they can do it just right, if not deliver it as a true masterpiece. I'm also surprised that they will adapt Nisekoi (it's a freaking rom-com harem lol)... I'm very interested in seeing how it will turn out.
When the time comes for a Rewrite adaptation, I want White Fox to handle it. I don't know.. I just feel that they can really do it... not just because they animated the OP2 of the VN.. just a hunch.
Seriously, the way they whine about the anime frustrates me more than how "not good" the anime is. And yeah, regarding about that Kyoani discussion, I totally agree. Kyoani rejected it maybe because they don't have the balls; LB! is a hard material to adapt, and they don't want that "image" of being a godlike studio be ruined. On the other hand, JC has nothing to lose so they went on it.
Just a question, what studio aside from JC do you think will handle LB! better?
'Fast forward to November 2011 where it's reviled they actively rejected doing Little Busters! and it becomes full on hatred."
"So right now I am a total Shaftfag, feels good man."