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Cynder360 Nov 3, 2019 4:12 PM
Hiya~ super sorry for taking ages to reply v_v still wishing on that MAL update, hopefully the new management will push something out soon. I'm still a lazy student at college until July-ish next year lol, sadly I probably won't be using anything I'm studying much in the future but it gives me something to do while I think about what I could do next. I'm thinking I'll take a few months to chill then get a job and travel maybe, not very good with travelling but I also really want to see new places (especially Japan/America :3) and get to meet others from different cultures. Not sure if it'll work out knowing me but my gut tells me it'll be fun so I wanna try it!

How about you? Is life treating you well atm?
lorelaey Aug 11, 2019 9:24 AM
hihi sweetie, hope you're doing well <3
kinganibus Jun 14, 2019 6:21 PM
Sorry I haven't been all that active online hopefully I will be more active now

imagine how horrible that would be though being sad but not being able to cry dab

ahaha how do I know this isn't just an evil plot you are making to make me miss out on such a delicacy like spicy food *totally don't have trust issues*

oh god i think it's almost impossible not to be able to imagine when you are reading something sadtimes thanks for uhh hurting my poor mind kek. Yea it would be cancer though when something that is vital to you living is also something that you are forced to do hard lifu

ikr i was so surprised when i first heard english lyrics from the animu and it's short cause they are teasing us and forcing us to watch the full anime sad times.

Childhood stuff always have a huge bias i've also got a really bad thing where i only like newer art the old art style of like 90s anime i just can't rlly get into until i randomly start the animu.

How have you been btw Mado? Yes I am still alive somehow :)
kinganibus May 20, 2019 8:53 PM
ahaha no problem I'm always down to give suggestions especially if it's drama's I love to share drama's and hope everyone loves them as much as i do <3. I sometimes wonder with how much I cry and tear up will I one day run out of tears /o\

Oo tbh I didn't know about Claire de Lune till a bit after I watched it that's how out of touch I am sadtimes but I love Claire de Lune now and wished I knew about it before the show it would of made it even that much more enjoyable for me.

Aww I kinda knew you meant spicy food too maybe I worded it wrong lowkey I'm going through doing all my replies right now and I'm extremely lazy and want to get through them all at once so too lazy to even put that extra few seconds into back reading my own comment pls forgive. I'm not that good with spicy food though I think I had this pizza once that were running here with an extremely hot chilly on one slice it was called roulette pizza and man I got the only slice it on out of the 8 in the box all my friends were laughing at me hardcore as I teared up was choking and sweating a lot ;-; I totally agree on that one though food is always a good subject you can't possibly say there is one person in the word that dislikes every food there is they would die :) even if that miracle existed and they had to force themselves to eat that could still be a point of interest to discuss I sure as hell would be interested how that is possible myself.

Omg so sorry for not linking

Ahaha no problem I can wait for your comments I hope you do enjoy when they do finish \o/ It's an insert song I think that's what they call it and it's still unfinished they are slowly giving us more and more of it. I don't think we will get the full song until the last or close to the last episode sadly but that's what we have been given so far in the link. It's spoiler free pretty much too just a beautiful song.

Oo rlly Senryuu is just so sweet and simple I think it's really easy to watch tbh especially cause of the short episodes I kinda wish there was more. Kimetsu defs is going good so far aww I love the main girl too she's a cutie. Oh damn I've never seen Inuyasha and sadly the episode count scares me off I'm not good at starting long ones.

Huhu she is but still hmph aww your making me embarrassed >///<

I'm glad I can tease you all I want then <333
lorelaey May 17, 2019 10:24 AM
omgomgomgWHATTTTT /o\ i cant believe it LOL but im so honored ;w; <33
lorelaey May 15, 2019 12:43 AM
i see, and omg ur new one is so pretty!! good job c:
aww thank you so much >////<
do you have discord?? would love to add you there!
kinganibus May 13, 2019 3:00 PM
Hi hi mado huhu

ahaha tbh I find it to be a curse when i'm around I get really embarrassed but break out so easily in cinemas etc /o\ but if im just watching alone in my room it's gucci i love a good drama that makes me cry /o\. My memory is terrible tbh I think you wanted similar anime hmm these aren't quite the same but all sad stories imo. Ga-Rei: Zero, Plastic Memories, Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? If you really want a perfect type of story that represents the sadness of your lie in april there's a manga named Diamond Dust omfg they are really similar and that made me cry a river! but I would highly recommend all of the ones I recommended anime and manga I love all of them and are all high favourites of mine <3

aww life sucks luckily you got to finish the masterpiece eventually \o/ and yes omg I even was being a big fan cause I love Chopin and they played some pieces from him ahahah he's like the only composer i know and was so happy to see he was included. I didn't watch it while airing but it was around when I was starting out in anime so there wasn't too much spoilers for myself as I wasn't surrounded by too much anime fan groups etc binged it all in one night and man was that a sad train ride but it was so lovely uwu

Omg I get scared of myself when it comes to stuff like that ngl I start to imagine bad things happening to All might and it makes me really sad but I can't help it at all I have such a negative mind when it comes to characters I love /o\ I really do hope nothing happens to him anytime soon I idolise him just like deku sadface

Oh interesting I've never really been much for spices I don't mind them but I've never particularly been like I need spices to be added etc and damn I don't think i've ever had cacao with any food tbh is it different to the chocolate or what do you add it too? I know it's a bean but I've never really known what it is added too or if it is common to eat it tbh ps I'm really bad when it comes to what goes with what for food my knowledge on food is a little terrible

My favourite seasonals so far are Carole and Tuesday if you like music with a heartwarming story I would highly recommend it's got this really beautiful theme song that drove me crazy obsessed with the series and I was spamming to all my weeb friends kek. Kimetsu no yaiba it's an action about a kid who's family was all killed by demons except his sister and it's been lit so far beautifully animated action scenes it looks amazing and I like a good shounen. Senryuu Shoujo is probs my 3rd fav it's a shortish anime 12-14 min episodes but they are really cute it's all about a delinquent boy who is trying his best to fit in and this really cute girl who only uses senryuu's to speak they kinda have a cute romance going on and it's really heartwarming for me thoroughly enjoying each episode so far \o/. On a small note I noticed you added Kono Oto Tomare! which has been pretty enjoyable so far I'm liking it, it is really basic which i'm not saying is bad but why it's not my top 3 and if you are interested i would recommend going ahead it's got nice club bonding moments <3 also Chika is a cutie I love him huhu

ahaha it's fine it's fun talking to people and if you get interested then it just makes it even easier to talk to ya ez :)
oh you messaged yammy don't talk to her more then me hmph
kek me tease you that would never happen i'm a kind soul that could never do something like that
do you bark?
lorelaey May 9, 2019 6:43 PM
omg thank you !! you came from des lol , his profile was like a test drive for me, I'm still new to bbcoding and stuff so I need to practice a lot. I also have really great friends who are so helpful <3 your Mal is super cute too though omg it's been so long since I made a design like that. did you learn how to use bbcode yourself?
kinganibus May 7, 2019 7:44 PM
ayy that was a nice introduction huhu \o/
tbh I didn't make my profile my friend made it for me she's a cutie her name is renernt on mal I have her linked

Nice to meet ya Mado, most people call me Des short for Destiny now a days due to my discord name and omg I love anime that will make me cri too like so much. I cry really easily too so it's not that hard especially romance or tragic romance are my favs <3 Your Lie in April was one of my very first sad anime I watched and I loved it so much but man I usually go into sad anime on purpose and prepared to cri but I went into your lie in april completely blind and did not expect till about the second cour that anime really got to me ;-; but I loved it so much too

I'm into shounen quite a bit too I wouldn't say I have an unhealthy obsession with anyone in it but im basic af and my bias is defs all might in the recent movie when he and Midora posed together before going in and them running together awww I was fanning so much >///< You can have all the characters but all might he's mine /o\

Hmm i'm pretty much your basic weeb I love games animu sleeping and food. I mainly only eat meat I love it so much and fast food totally a healthy person. Anime I watch nearly anything tbh I tend to keep up with a bunch of seasonals and only watch an odd anime here and there that's completed. Games I use to play a lot more games when I was younger really into turn based and single player games then as I got older I went through my multiplayer game phase from Cod to now where I mainly just play League of Legends cause I'm primarily on my laptop or pc :)

I'd love to get you know you more and hope we can get along and don't worry I have a really low mentality too can relate uwu
I found your introduction really pleasing and was surprised you took on the challenge tbh it was more of a troll from your bio ahaha
kinganibus May 7, 2019 1:28 PM
Hi please spam me with you fangirling about things thanks <3
Hikki_a1 Apr 23, 2019 3:19 PM
Welcome :)

What are you currently studying?
Hikki_a1 Apr 23, 2019 10:47 AM
I do watch seasonals ^^

Promised Neverland and Kaguya sama are anime in the winter season which have both finished. Both are great anime especially Promised Neverland. For me it is the best anime of the winter season.

Dororo, Sheild Hero, Kimetsu no Yaiba and Carole and Tuesday are ongoing anime which are also really good. You will enjoy those anime if you like the genres. Dororo and Kimetsu no Yaiba are somewhat similar.

The anime that I listed are some of my favourite seasonal anime.
Hikki_a1 Apr 23, 2019 1:04 AM
I started anime in 2017 and the first anime that I watched was Naruto in 2017 which got me into anime ^^

Do you keep up with seasonal anime?
Hikki_a1 Apr 22, 2019 12:23 PM
I really like Re:Zero, code geass and Naruto a lot.

When did you start watching anime and what anime got you into the medium?

nickname1224 Apr 22, 2019 12:15 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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