"I can't do anything alone. Everyone has their flaws and imperfections, but that's what drives us to work together... To make up for those flaws. Together, we make the perfect main character." - Sakata Gintoki -
Hey! Just wanted to say thanks for accepting my friend request~ ^^ I saw your review for the Aharen-san manga and didn't expect we'd share the same appreciation for some other anime/manga titles. It's always nice to come across other people who like Sangatsu no Lion and Yotsuba! (as well as yuru camp & girl's last tour)
It was really good. Well directed series with a captivating plot to it with a nice female lead, with good visuals and a great cast to boot. It does feel sort of like Akage no Anne, but it feels more like Ie Naki Ko only if you gave it to the director of the Doremi series (which is fitting considering the people behind Doremi also made this too).
Oh, haha. To be fair some of my 10/10s are completely personal preference, and I tend to have some niche preferences XP I've been told Twin Spica is similar to Space Brothers, though I've never seen that one, I personally would compare it to something like "A Place Further than the Universe" (Sora yori mo Tōi Basho), In that it's a very down-to-earth true-to-real-life drama, despite the premise being pretty fantastic (high schooler going to space vs high schoolers going to Antarctica, lol). It's got the feels, it's got the drama, it's got a little bit of the cheese =u= etc...
The manga is about a small young girl pursuing her dream of becoming an astronaut, as well as the people she meets along the way, all with their own reasons for pursuing their dreams, and how these people impact each-other's lives and help each-other find their direction (think March Comes In Like a Lion except instead of playing Shogi they do a lot of astronaut training). If you enjoy dramas based on situations closer to the real world, even if a smidgen far-fetched, I think you might enjoy it. The end of each volume also has one or two little short stories told from the author's point of view. Really touching little pieces about life, love, nostalgia, and growing up. To me they are the highlight of the comic.
So yeah, if you like that sort of stuff, you might find Twin Spica enjoyable too. Though disclaimer, I haven't finished it yet XP Still have to finish the final volume and I can't find it anywhere, lol. Might need to buy it digitally or something.
How are you finding Hunter x Hunter? And I love all of those other 3 anime, and I wouldn't even know what to recommend next. Both Oregairu and Re:Zero are getting new seasons this year though, so that's something to look out for.
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And I very much concur with your statement of the pinnacle of art being the wholesome slice-of-life genre lol
The manga is about a small young girl pursuing her dream of becoming an astronaut, as well as the people she meets along the way, all with their own reasons for pursuing their dreams, and how these people impact each-other's lives and help each-other find their direction (think March Comes In Like a Lion except instead of playing Shogi they do a lot of astronaut training). If you enjoy dramas based on situations closer to the real world, even if a smidgen far-fetched, I think you might enjoy it. The end of each volume also has one or two little short stories told from the author's point of view. Really touching little pieces about life, love, nostalgia, and growing up. To me they are the highlight of the comic.
So yeah, if you like that sort of stuff, you might find Twin Spica enjoyable too. Though disclaimer, I haven't finished it yet XP Still have to finish the final volume and I can't find it anywhere, lol. Might need to buy it digitally or something.