Favorite anime: Yorimoi Favorite manga: One Piece Worst anime: Isekai Cheat Magician Favorite genre: Adventure Worst genre: Fantasy anime with game mechanics Favorite studio: Madhouse, KyoAni
Scoring system:
Every show is scored mostly based on my own enjoyment and genuine reaction to the show. Different shows may be scored based on different qualities, but the following represents the general idea behind every score:
1 - Isekai Cheat Magician.
2 - Repulsing
3 - Terrible
4 - Bad
5 - Mid
6 - Ok
7 - Good
8 - Excellent
9 - Peak
10 - Sora Yori mo Tooi Basho.
Favorite Girls
Favorite Boys
1st Finished Anime
Green Green
I googled "anime with girls in it" and this came up. And so it all started
100th Finished Anime
Watched this around christmas the year i got into anime. Luckily this is as far into the fate series I got
150th Finished Anime
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
Knew what this was for the longest time, but didn't watch it because the art style is ugly
200th Finished Anime
No info. I literally just watched this and was like "yeah, I watched this"
250th Finished Anime
Kiniro Mosaic
Seeing as I go through the trouble of keeping track, you'd think I thought at least a little bit about what I'd like to be the anime I watch for a milestone. So why tf did I watch this
300th Finished Anime
Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro
Yeah I watched this. Same point as the one above but stronger
350th Finished Anime
Initial D Fourth Stage
Finally a cool one as a milestone
400th Finished Anime
You ever drop a series two times, and then suddenly get an urge to watch it years later, only to complete the entire thing in a weekend?
450th Finished Anime
Love Live! Superstar!! Season 2
Yeah a Love Live series ended up becoming a milestone. Shocker
500th Finished Anime
Love Live! Superstar!! Season 3
I wish this wasn't a coincidence
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