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Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su 2nd Season
10 hours ago
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But yes. I don't want to get too ahead of myself with VR tech still being far from fully developed and sound.
I can see RPG games being viable with their picturesque and vast backdrops. Nonetheless, I wonder how this tech will develop and evolve over the next decade. But I know for sure that this is platinum for the racing genre.
If you're playing all kinds of games then for sure. But that shouldn't really apply to someone who will be stationary in a seat, gripping and ripping it (the wheel) as if I were the fastest driver in the world.
I'm somewhat considering it. But it ain't gonna be cheap to get everything and I need to learn more about the VR and any implications it might have for long-periods of usage. After all, racing games aren't all about short sprint and circuit races.
I wonder if Sony's VR stuff will launch smoothly. My return to gaming could be incoming with three racing games and all the new hardware dropping this Fall.