Dec 15, 2010 3:43 AM
The polls for ''Male Character of the year 2010'' are open at the Girls Otaku Community =3
The polls for ''Male Character of the year 2010'' are open at the Girls Otaku Community =3
All Comments (30) Comments
...Csak egy részt láttam a Bokura ga Itából és az borzalmas volt, és a Kimi no Todoke se tetszett.
Én tudod mit ajánlok!
Yumekui Merry :D. Nekem nagyon tetszik :)
Mert Azu-nyan, és Ui is nagyon karakteres. Jun viszont :/....
Yuiékat meg nem lehet nem szeretni.
A csapatom nem olyan csapat amire gondolsz :)
Fellépünk, és ezért mondtam ,hogy biztosan nem ismerik annyira az animét x'D.
Vagy nagyon szidják o.o
Manga, de szerintem utána lehet számítani egy újabb évadra :D
Sajnos még így is kevesen ismerik az animét, vagy csak nem szeretnének csatlakozni a csapatomba >.<"...
Képzeld újra indul a K-On!! :D
The Final Rounds have started at the Girls Otaku Community for all our ''... of 2010'' matches so come and vote geso~
Hello dear members, we're trying to revive this club again from the dead, and so we decided to create a member cards discussion, which consists of members who wish to make member cards post their templetes there after a few people join in we'll create a voting, you'll have more information about the voting later on ^^, hope to see you all in the club XD
P.S: No link to the thread, don't get lazy and go visit the club yourself xP, we have a new layout as well XD
(just click on the pic you have above and it'll take you to the club)
Köszi a jelölést :).
Látom te is szereted a Clannadot és a K-ON!-t ^^.
The polls for ''Pairing of the year 2010'' are open at the Girls Otaku Community. Since we are close to new years and to be able to finish all the rounds around new year I will put new polls on the club every day but they will still be open for 48 hours. If you still want to receive a notice when they are open, please reply to this message and I will keep sending you one. If you don't want to receive any notifications for the polls then DON'T reply and you will start receiving again when all the rounds are done (this will be somewhere at the beginning of the new year). Good luck with voting!
Sorry To Stamp Your Page ))